
Montanan, adj., n.
/mon tan"euh/, n.
a state in the NW United States. 786,690; 147,138 sq. mi. (381,085 sq. km). Cap.: Helena. Abbr.: MT (for use with zip code), Mont.

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State (pop., 2000: 902,195), northwestern U.S. Bordered by Canada and the U.S. states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho, it covers 147,046 sq mi (380,849 sq km); its capital is Helena.

Montana straddles the Great Plains to the east and the Rocky Mountains to the west. Unique among the states, its rivers flow into three of the continent's primary watersheds: the Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico, and Hudson Bay. At the time of European settlement the region was inhabited by various Indian tribes, including the Cheyenne, Blackfoot, Nez Percé, and Crow. Most of Montana was obtained by the U.S. through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. The western part was disputed until 1846, when Britain relinquished its claim to the area. The Lewis and Clark Expedition explored Montana in 180406. St. Mary's Mission, established in 1841 by Roman Catholic missionaries, became the first permanent town as Stevensville. Gold was discovered in the early 1860s; grazing of cattle and sheep was introduced later that decade, leading to bitter battles with the Indians, whose hunting grounds were destroyed. Montana Territory was established in 1864. Though the U.S. troops of George Armstrong Custer were defeated and slain at the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876, the Indians ceased fighting in 1877 and were placed on reservations. Montana became the 41st state in 1889. Vast deposits of copper were found in the 1890s, and mining was the economic mainstay for almost a century. The state's economy now emphasizes tourism.

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formerly  Mikhaylovgrad,  also spelled  Mihailovgrad, Mihajlovgrad, or Mikhailovgrad,  

      town, northwestern Bulgaria. It lies along the Ogosta River in a fertile agricultural region noted for its grains, fruits, vines, market-garden produce, and livestock breeding. Relatively new housing estates as well as industry are evident in the town. In the region are forests and game reserves in which deer, pheasant, and rabbit are hunted.

      There was a Roman settlement called Montanensia on the site; later the town was called Golyama Kutlovitsa and Ferdinand (18911945). After World War II the town was named after Khristo Mikhaylov, local leader of an unsuccessful communist uprising in 1923. The town was renamed Montana in 1993, after communist rule had ended in Bulgaria. Pop. (2004 est.) 47,414.

Montana, flag of    constituent state of the United States of America (United States). Only three statesAlaska, Texas, and Californiahave an area larger than Montana's, and only two statesAlaska and Wyominghave a lower population density. Montana borders the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan to the north and the U.S. states of North Dakota and South Dakota to the east, Wyoming to the south, and Idaho to the west. Although its name is derived from the Spanish montaña (“mountainormountainous region”), Montana has an average elevation of only 3,400 feet (1,040 metres), the lowest among the Mountain states. The Rocky Mountains sweep down from British Columbia, trending northwest-southeast into western Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. The eastern portion of the state, however, is a gently rolling landscape, with millions of grazing cattle and sheep, and with only scattered evidence of human habitation. It forms a part of the northern Great Plains, shared with Alberta, Saskatchewan, North and South Dakota, and northeastern Wyoming. Helena is the capital.

      The residents of Montana are relatively far from markets for their products, as well as from the country's manufacturing and supply centres. The state is strongly oriented toward the outdoors and toward activities such as summer and winter sports, hunting, and fishing. Long-distance trips are frequent occasions for socializing and entertainment or cures for prairie- or mountain-born restlessness.

      In spite of its northern location, Montana is very much a Western state. The main street of Helena is Last Chance Gulch, the city's original name and a reminder of the prospectors who invaded the surrounding hills in the 1860s to pan for gold. By 1889, when Montana became the 41st state of the union, the cattle drive was an institution, and the state had begun to emerge as one of the country's leading copper-mining centres. Montana is called the Treasure State because of its immense mineral wealth. Area 147,042 square miles (380,837 square km). Pop. (2000) 902,195; (2007 est.) 957,861.

  The western two-fifths of Montana falls within the Rocky Mountains, and the eastern three-fifths lies upon the Great Plains. Rocky Mountain Montana is a land of high mountains, deep valleys, green forests, and treeless crest lines, whereas Great Plains Montana is a vast horizontal sweep of yellow rangeland, golden grain fields, and brown fallow strips. This contrast between mountain and plain is among the most powerful geographic features of the state.

      In Rocky Mountain Montana the mountain ranges are aligned generally from north-northwest to south-southeast. They are made up of ancient hard rocks that were compressed, folded, faulted, and otherwise contorted by the mountain-building forces that created the Rockies, beginning about 100 million years ago.

      During the last ice age, some 11,500 years ago, glaciers carved the mountain crest lines and high valleys from rounded, convex terrain into sharp, rugged, concave topography and, when they melted, left the loose earth material that they had gouged out of the mountains as glacial deposits in the valley bottoms. The glaciers in Montana today are very small compared with the great tongues of ice of the past. The bottoms of the valleys between the mountain ranges consist mainly of alluvial floodplains and terraces; of benchlands and foothills carved on young, soft rocks; and of plains, terraces, and foothills made up of glacial deposits.

 There is a contrast within Rocky Mountain Montana between mountains with narrow valleys and those with broad valleys. In the narrow-valley regions, which are the most rugged and spectacular of the state, the valley floors are humid and forested. There are two narrow-valley regions. One is northwestern Montana, which includes Glacier National Park with most of Montana's glaciers. The other lies in south-central Montana at the northern end of Yellowstone National Park; this area contains the highest point in Montana, Granite Peak, which has an elevation of 12,799 feet (3,901 metres). These two narrow-valley regions are separated by a broad-valley area in west-central and southwestern Montana. There the valley bottoms are wide, dry, and grassy, permitting sweeping panoramic views of the mountain ranges.

 Most of Great Plains Montana is rather rough land. The country south of the Yellowstone River is mainly scattered hills. Surrounding a long segment of the Missouri River in the north-central part of the state are the Missouri River Breaks, which make up a scenic area of rugged uplands that is part of Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument. Genuine plains are found in theGolden Trianglenorth of Great Falls and plateaus elsewhere. Some of the hills, breaks, and valley bluffs form rugged badlands such as those seen at Makoshika State Park, near Glendive. The valleys of the major rivers flowing from the Rocky Mountains across eastern Montana are deeply incised. Scattered upon the plains and plateau surfaces are eight small mountain masses called Rocky Mountain outliers, which are like islands of the Rockies set out upon the plains.

      The rocks underlying Great Plains Montana, except for the mountain outliers, are young, soft, and more or less horizontal. Roughly north of the Missouri River the plains rocks are covered by glacial deposits left by the continental ice cap, which occupied the area at the same time that alpine glaciers were sculpting the mountains to the west. The bottoms of the incised valleys are made up of alluvial floodplains, terraces, and soft-rock benchlands.

  Montana is the only state in the union from which waters flow to Hudson Bay, the Gulf of Mexico (Mexico, Gulf of), and the Pacific Ocean. The northwestern section of the state lies west of the Continental Divide and is drained to the Columbia Riverand thus ultimately to the Pacificby the Kootenai River and by the Clark Fork and its major tributary, the Flathead River. The Flathead flows into and then out of Flathead Lake, the largest natural lake in the state. The Kootenai flows out of Montana at the lowest elevation in the state, 1,820 feet (555 metres) above sea level. East of the Continental Divide, Montana is drained by the Missouri River and its principal tributary, the Yellowstone. Rising in southwest Montana, where it is formed by the confluence of the Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin rivers, the Missouri is a tributary of the Mississippi River, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico and thus is part of the Atlantic Ocean drainage system. A small portion of Montana on the eastern slope of Glacier National Park drains ultimately to Hudson Bay.

      On the mountain ranges and outliers the soils are mostly derived from the underlying hard bedrock and are too steep and stony to be cultivated. In Great Plains Montana the soils south of the limit of glaciation are derived from the underlying soft Great Plains rocks. Most of the soils in the north, formed in glacial deposits, are undulating to rolling and generally are better for cultivation than the rougher lands with residual soils to the south. In the valley bottoms most of the soils are formed from unconsolidated alluvial and glacial deposits and are productive for crops when irrigated.

 The climate of most of Great Plains Montana is semiarid, with hot summers and cold winters. Average annual precipitation is scant, about 13 inches (330 mm); the plains are subject to cycles of drought followed by periods of unusually heavy rainfall and flooding. Total snowfall is light, though frost or freezing occurs more than 200 days of the year. The chinook, a warm winter wind that blows on the plains near the foot of the Rockies, periodically interrupts the bitter coldJanuary temperatures average in the upper 10s F (about −8 °C)—for which Montana is notorious.

      In Rocky Mountain Montana there are several different climates arranged one above the other in elevational zones. The climate of the lowest zonethe dry valley bottomsis similar to that in eastern Montana. The climates of the other zones become progressively cooler, wetter, and more snowy with higher elevation.

Plant and animal life
 For the most part, Rocky Mountain Montana is forested, and Great Plains Montana is grassland. In the Rocky Mountains and on the mountain outliers the vegetation, like the climate, occurs in elevational zones. In the dry valley bottoms below the lower timberline are grassland, brushland, and open stands of trees called parklands. In the timbered belt on the mountainsides the vegetation is coniferous forest dominated by Douglas fir. The treeless crest lines above the upper timberline are made up of low alpine tundra vegetation, barren rock, and glaciers. In most of Great Plains Montana where the land is not cultivated, the vegetation is shortgrass and mixed-grass prairie. Along the base of the Rockies are foothill prairie grasslands. Many of the hilly areas on the plains are covered by prairie parklands.

      Montana has an abundance of rare and imposing animal species, notably grizzly bears, Rocky Mountain goats, bighorn sheep, moose, and gray wolves (reintroduced in the 1990s). These animals live mainly in the mountains along with more common species, such as American elk, mule deer, black bears, mountain lions, bobcats, and forest grouse. There is a population of bison in National Bison Range Wildlife Refuge, in the northwestern part of the state, and bison from Yellowstone National Park migrate north into Montana during the winter. The grassland animals of Great Plains Montana and of the grassy western valleys include pronghorn, mule deer, coyotes, badgers, and plains grouse. Distributed nearly statewide along and near streams and lakes are white-tailed deer, beavers, muskrats, mink, bald eagles, ring-necked pheasant, ducks, geese, and swans. The Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge on Fort Peck Lake (which is impounded by Fort Peck Dam) protects some endangered species.


Population composition
      Most of the inhabitants of Montana today trace their ancestry to the countries of western, northern, and, to a lesser degree, eastern Europemainly Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, The Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries, northern Italy, Russia, Croatia, and Poland.

      The one significant exception is the Native American population. Montana has seven Indian reservations, and Native Americans constitute more than one-tenth of the state's total population. Nearly two-thirds of them live on the reservations and most of the rest in the cities near the reservations, notably Missoula, Great Falls, and Billings. African Americans make up just a tiny fraction of the Montana population. Asians have had a long historical presence in Montana, especially in the mining district around Butte, but are few in number today. The Hispanic population, once largely seasonal, grew substantially in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, though Hispanics still constitute only a small proportion of the state's population.

      About half the inhabitants of Montana are affiliated with organized religious groups. The Roman Catholic Church is the largest single denomination, but Protestantism as a whole has the greatest number of adherents; there are also smaller numbers of Mormons, Buddhists, followers of traditional Native American beliefs, Muslims, Jews, and others. Many of the Native Americans were nominally converted to Roman Catholicism by missionaries. The Northern Tier, along the Canadian border, was settled by German Hutterites; several dozen of their communities remain, and German is widely spoken within them.

Demographic trends
      Montana's population is somewhat older than the national average, largely because of the lack of professional opportunities for younger people and to the large number of retirees in the state. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the state experienced a greater population growth than the national average, particularly in the south-central and western regions; the growth was largely due to in-migration. During that period Montana attracted an increasing number of affluent out-of-staters who built second homes there.

Settlement patterns
      The population of Montana is small, sparse, and unevenly distributed; slightly more than half is urban. In the two narrow-valley mountain areas, the population is aligned in thin strips along the valley bottoms, and towns are small. The broad-valley region has a heavy population by Montana standards, and some of the state's major cities and large towns, including Missoula, Butte, Helena, Bozeman, Kalispell, Anaconda, and Livingston, are located in the irrigated districts on the dry valley floors.

      In Great Plains Montana there are continuous bands of relatively dense population along the irrigated bottoms of the major incised valleys. All the cities and major towns, except Lewistown, are lined up like beads on a string along these strips. Along the Yellowstone River are Billings, the state's largest city, as well as Miles City, Glendive, and Sidney; and along the Missouri River and its tributary, the Milk River, are Great Falls, Havre, and Glasgow. Population is moderately dense and fairly evenly spaced in the dryland grain areas, but it is sparse and uneven in the livestock-ranching areas.

      Montana's economy is dominated by the primary sectoragriculture, forestry, mining, and energy productionand by services. About one-third of the state's workforce is employed in the service sector. The outdoor recreation industry has become important, and some high-technology industries have come to the state. Per capita income is far lower than the national average, and poverty is a problem in several parts of the state, especially on Indian reservations.

Agriculture and forestry
 Beef cattle, sheep, grain, sugar beets, potatoes, and fruit are produced on irrigated farms in the broad, dry valleys of Rocky Mountain Montana and in the incised valleys in Great Plains Montana. Wheat and barley are grown on large dryland grain farms throughout the two major grain-growing regionsthe Golden Triangle and northeastern Montanaand in patches elsewhere. Most of the rest of the state is rangeland and is used in the livestock-ranching industry for the production of beef cattle and sheep.

      Lumbering and the manufacture of forest products are vital to western Montana. Of the approximately 13 million acres (5.3 million hectares) of commercial forestland, about half is owned by the federal and state governments. Forest products constitute Montana's third-largest industry.

Resources and power
       coal is one of the major mineral resources of Montana. Along with petroleum and natural gas, coal is extracted from the young, soft rocks of Great Plains Montana. Coal-fired thermoelectric plants are located at Colstrip and Billings. Gold, copper, platinum, talc, phosphate, vermiculite, sapphire, garnet, and other minerals are mined from the old, hard rocks of Rocky Mountain Montana and of the mountain outliers. Montana is among the top producers of talc in the United States.

      Petroleum was discovered in commercial quantities at Elk Basin in 1915. The Elk Basin, Kevin-Sunburst, and Cut Bank fields led in production of petroleum and natural gas for several years. The great Williston Basin was developed in 1951, but the Bell Creek field in Powder River county has been the most productive.

      Montana's tremendous water resources provide for hydroelectric power production and for uses in other sectors of the economy. About one-third of the state's electricity is generated by water. Runoff from the forested sides of the Rocky Mountains and the outliers recharges groundwater, fills lakes and reservoirs, and generates the flow of the great rivers. There are several large dams, power stations, and reservoirs, which are clustered mainly in the mountains of northwestern Montana.

      Manufacturing and processing industries contribute only about one-twentieth of Montana's gross domestic product (GDP). There is some meatpacking, flour milling, and sugar refining, but most of the farm and ranch products are processed outside the state. The forestry industry includes the manufacture of plywood and of pulp and paper products. There is an aluminum plant at Columbia Falls, and petroleum refineries are located at Billings, Laurel, and Great Falls.

      Billings, Great Falls, Missoula, and Butte are the state's major regional service centres. Tourism has become a significant component of Montana's economy and is heavily promoted.

      A network of interstate and spur freight railway lines serves many parts of Montana, and an Amtrak passenger route crosses the northern part of the state. Total highway mileage in Montana is relatively low, but there is a well-developed network of interstate and primary highways between population centres. Montana has many public airports, including those in Billings, Great Falls, Helena, and other urban areas, and there are a large number of private-use airports all across the state. Several major airlines and air taxi lines serve the state, and many small planes are privately owned.

Government and society

Constitutional framework
  Montana's original constitution, adopted upon statehood in 1889, was replaced by a new one in 1972. The new document provided for a voter initiative process and voter review of local government every 10 years; both have been used vigorously in attempts to enact new laws and to amend the constitution itself.

      The executive branch of state government includes a governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, auditor, and superintendent of public instruction, all of whom are elected to four-year terms. The executive branch also includes a cabinet appointed by the governor, who controls virtually all appointments of government officers who are not elected. The bicameral legislature meets in odd-numbered years for 90-day sessions and is composed of 50 senators elected to four-year terms and 100 representatives elected to two-year terms.

      Judges are elected without party designation. The highest court is the seven-member Supreme Court. The state has several dozen district courts apportioned over a smaller number of judicial districts. There are also a workers' compensation court and a water court. Appeals are made directly from the lower courts to the Supreme Court. On the lowest level are justices of the peace and police judges.

      Montana comprises 56 counties, and the county is the highest level of local government. Its powers and duties are defined and limited by state statutes. Three elected commissioners are the chief administrators, though a full-time manager may be employed instead. Municipal governments, like those of counties, derive all their authority from the state. They can, however, enact local ordinances, whereas counties cannot. Municipalities have police forces, and each county has an elected sheriff, who appoints deputies and has jurisdiction outside towns and cities. Some sheriffs and deputies, as well as federal officers, act as brand inspectors to prevent the sale of stolen livestock.

      Montanans possessed a strong tradition of support for workers' rights and labour unions, tilting the state politically for many years toward the Democratic Party, particularly in the mid to late 20th century. Thereafter a conservative trend took shape, and in the early 21st century loyalty to both the Republican (Republican Party) and Democratic parties was so evenly divided, at least in state elections, that election patterns were not predictable. Ticket splitting is common. The state has an open primary; voters need not declare party affiliation. Registration is permanent unless a voter does not exercise the franchise within four years. In presidential elections, the state has trended toward the Republican Party; only twice (1964 and 1992) between 1952 and the end of the 20th century did the majority vote for the Democratic candidate.

 Although rural schools continue to consolidate and introduce bus transportation, many children attend small and not always adequate one- or two-teacher country schools. School districts are corporate bodies headed by a county superintendent of schools and governed by elected school boards. The level of educational attainment is somewhat higher than the national average; more than four-fifths of the state's residents graduate from high school.

      The state's system of higher education was chartered in 1893. The main campus of Montana State University (MSU) is in Bozeman; additional campuses are located in Billings, Havre, and Great Falls. The University of Montana (Montana, University of) (UM) is located in Missoula. Within the MSU and UM systems are several colleges of technology, including Montana Tech of the University of Montana (founded 1900; formerly Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology), at Butte. There are also a number of church-affiliated private colleges, tribal colleges, community colleges, and public postsecondary vocational-technical schools.

Health and welfare
      Montanans pay various penalties for the wide-open spaces they enjoy. An increasing number of communities have no dentists, physicians, or hospitals. Montana's welfare program is state-supervised and administered by county departments of public welfare. Because of sparse population and few private social service agencies, costs are relatively high. Welfare departments are caught between pressure from taxpayers to curb programs and from organized low-income groups to provide wider services. There are special programs on Indian reservations.

Cultural life
 Most artistic activity occurs in the cities with colleges and universities, several of which sponsor visits by lecturers and professional artists of various kinds in addition to presenting the work of faculty members and students. Several cities have symphony orchestras that include some professional musicians.

      The Montana Institute of the Arts, founded in 1948, is a grassroots organization that ties together the scattered, often isolated practitioners of various arts and crafts through publications, an annual festival, and traveling exhibits. The Montana Arts Council, a state agency affiliated with the National Endowment for the Arts, funds dozens of local cultural organizations, primarily for music, drama, dance, literature, and the visual arts; it also promotes and documents folklife, including the traditional arts and crafts of a variety of ethnic groups. There are summer theatres in a number of communities; and the Montana Repertory Theater, based in Missoula, tours both inside and outside the state. Many Hollywood actors have made their first or second homes in Montana, especially in the area around Livingston. Writers who have lived in Montana include novelist Ivan Doig, author Wallace Stegner (Stegner, Wallace), Annick Smith, William Kittredge, Rick Bass, Deirdre McNamer, Norman Maclean, Richard Hugo, David Quammen, Jim Harrison (Harrison, Jim), Thomas McGuane (McGuane, Thomas), and James Welch.

      Several Native American tribes hold traditional dance ceremonies at which outsiders are welcome. There is an annual reenactment of the Battle of the Little Bighorn (Little Bighorn, Battle of the) on the Crow Indian Reservation. Rodeos abound, as do square-dance groups, and Montana is a thriving centre for old-time fiddling. In Red Lodge an annual nine-day Festival of Nations, originated to ease tensions between coal miners of different European ethnic groups, has become a tradition.

      The Montana Historical Society maintains a museum, art gallery, and specialized library in Helena. The C.M. Russell Museum, in Great Falls, specializes in the works of the cowboy artist Charles Marion Russell. Billings is the location of the Yellowstone Art Museum and the Yellowstone County Museum. The excellent, small Museum of the Plains Indian is located west of Browning. Many communities nurture art galleries and small museums of local historical interest.

  Montana's spectacular scenery is one of its premier recreational attractions. A large proportion of the state's land is given over to state and national parks and monuments, forests, recreational areas, wildlife refuges, and wildernesses. Venues for a wide range of outdoor recreational activities include Glacier National Park and the many national forests that are spread across the state. Sites of historic or cultural significance are Big Hole National Battlefield, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, and Fort Benton, a former trading post.

      Minor league baseball has had a significant presence in Montana, with teams located in Billings, Great Falls, and Helena since at least the 1970s and more recently in Missoula. Montana State University and the University of Montana compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association's Big Sky Conference. Among the notable athletes from Montana are daredevil Evel Knievel (Knievel, Evel) and major league baseball player Dave McNally.

      Daily newspapers are published in the major cities; of note are the Helena Independent Record, Billings Gazette, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Missoulian (Missoula), and Great Falls Tribune.


Native American cultures
      Archaeological evidence shows a human presence in Montana beginning about 7,000 years ago. Plains Indians (Plains Indian) began to arrive from the east in the 17th century, drawn westward by abundant migratory wildlife. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Crow occupied the south-central portion of present-day Montana, the Cheyenne the southeastern corner, the Assiniboin and Atsina (Gros Ventres of the Prairie) the northeastern corner, the Blackfoot the central and north-central area, and the Kutenai the northwestern corner. The Pend d'Oreille had a territory around Flathead Lake, the Kalispell were in the mountains west of there, and the Flathead occupied the Clark Fork and Bitterroot valleys. The southwestern corner was disputed territory. After the westward expansion of the United States, the Flathead were forcibly moved to their present reservation in the Flathead valley. Most of the other tribes are now living on reservations within their respective territories.

U.S. exploration and settlement
 The United States acquired territory including Montana through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. The first non-Native American explorers known to have set foot in Montana were the members of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (180406). Fur trappers and traders followed, setting up forts to trade with the Native Americans. The only early trading post to survive as a present-day town is Fort Benton, which was established in 1846 and became an important port on the Missouri River. Roman Catholic missionaries followed the fur traders and in 1841 established Saint Mary's Mission near present-day Stevensville, believed to be the first permanent settlement in Montana. Trailblazers carved the northern Overland Route to Montana from the east, the Bozeman Trail from the southeast, and Mullan Road westward from Fort Benton, the head of navigation for steamboats on the Missouri.

 Gold prospectors flocked in after rich placer deposits were discovered in the early 1860s. Eager to secure the area and its mineral wealth for the union, the federal government established Montana Territory in 1864 with Bannack, on Grasshopper Creek, as its first capital, and Virginia City, in Alder Gulch, as its second. As pressure from U.S. settlers increased, the Native Americans fought to protect their hunting grounds. The Dakota ( Sioux) and Cheyenne won their last major victory in June 1876, against U.S. Cavalry led by Gen. George Armstrong Custer (Custer, George Armstrong) at the Battle of the Little Bighorn (Little Bighorn, Battle of the). A band of Nez Percé under Chief Joseph (Joseph, Chief) won a battle in the Big Hole Basin the following year and fled toward Canada, only to be met and defeated by U.S. troops a few miles south of the international boundary.

Statehood and beyond
 Montana became a state on Nov. 8, 1889, with Helena as the capital. Butte began as a gold camp. Hard-rock mining had begun in the 1880s, but shaft mining commenced when vast deposits of copper were discovered there. Butte subsequently became known as theRichest Hill on Earth,” and the world's largest smelter was built at nearby Anaconda. The so-calledWar of the Copper Kingswas won by Marcus Daly (Daly, Marcus), whose Anaconda Company became one of the largest mining conglomerates in the world. The company smashed the mining unions, influenced the state legislature, acquired almost all of Montana's daily newspapers, and virtually controlled the state for three-fourths of a century.

      Cattle and sheep grazing in Great Plains Montana started in the 1860s, when herds were driven overland from Texas. The vast grasslands seemed ideal for cattle, but a severe winter in 188687 virtually wiped out the herds. Beginning about 1900, homesteaders began pouring into the plains country to bust the sod and grow grain on semiarid, largely nonirrigated land. After a few years of bumper crops and high prices, a series of dry years brought financial disaster and mass exodus.

      Petroleum and natural gas production began in Great Plains Montana in 1915, expanded greatly in the 1950s, and peaked in the 1960s. Coal mining, which had begun in the days of coal stoves and steam locomotives, increased dramatically in the 1970s but declined in economic importance over the next two decades. In the early 21st century, rising petroleum prices sparked renewed interest in the exploitation of Montana's vast coal reserves.

      The closing of the copper mines at Butte, the smelter in Anaconda, and the copper refinery at Great Falls in the early 1980s marked the end of the copper century and a turning point in Montana's history. The state no longer relies so heavily on the primary economic sector; more emphasis has been placed on tourism and on new and innovative businesses that provide jobs without causing deterioration of the state's magnificent mountains, crystal waters, and wide-open spaces. In the 1990s the environment, more than opportunities provided by extractive industries, began to draw newcomers to the state in large numbers, notably retirees from both the east and the west coast. That trend continued into the 21st century, though at a markedly slower pace than in the preceding decades.

Dorothy M. Johnson John M. Crowley Gregory Lewis McNamee

Additional Reading
A useful introduction to the people and features of the state is Federal Writers' Project, Montana: A State Guide Book (1939, reissued as The WPA Guide to 1930s Montana, 1994), still worth consulting. A popular geography is John A. Alwin, Montana Portrait (1993). DeLorme Mapping Company, Montana Atlas & Gazetteer, 6th ed. (2007), focuses on topography. Roberta Carkeek Cheney, Names on the Face of Montana: The Story of Montana's Place Names, 2nd ed., rev. (1984, reprinted 1992), combines geography and local history. William Kittredge and Annick Smith (eds.), The Last Best Place: A Montana Anthology (1992), offers a literary celebration of the state. Montana Magazine (bimonthly) includes illustrated articles on the state's history, parks, cities, people, and environment.Clark C. Spence, Montana: A Bicentennial History (1978); and Harry W. Fritz, Montana: Land of Contrast (2001), are popular histories. Michael P. Malone, Richard B. Roeder, and William L. Lang, Montana: A History of Two Centuries, rev. ed. (1991), is a comprehensive overview of Montana's past. A highly insightful and interpretive history is K. Ross Toole, Montana: An Uncommon Land (1959, reissued 1981), with a companion volume, Twentieth-Century Montana: A State of Extremes (1972). Joseph Kinsey Howard, Montana: High, Wide, and Handsome (2003; originally published 1943), is a lively history of the state. Montana: The Magazine of Western History (quarterly) reports current research.John M. Crowley Gregory Lewis McNamee

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  • Montana — (Ле дез Альп,Франция) Категория отеля: Адрес: 12 14 Impasse du Prapelier, 38860 Ле дез Альп …   Каталог отелей

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