
/mon"oh/, n. Informal.
infectious mononucleosis.
[by shortening]
/mon"oh/, adj.
monophonic (def. 2).
[by shortening]

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also called  Monachi 

      either of two North American Indian groups, originally from what is now central California, U.S., who spoke a language belonging to the Numic (Numic languages) group of the Uto-Aztecan (Uto-Aztecan languages) family and were related to the Northern Paiute. The Western Mono, who resided in the pine belt of the Sierra Nevada mountains, had a culture similar to that of the nearby Yokuts. The Owens Valley Paiute (previously called the Eastern Mono) were more similar to their neighbours from the Great Basin culture area (Great Basin Indian).

      Historically, the two divisions traded with each other, the Owens Valley Paiute exchanging salt, piñon nuts, baskets, and poison in return for acorn flour, baskets, and shafts for arrows.

      Traditional Mono social organization consisted of small villages of as many as 50 to 75 people, organized in patrilineal families and ranging over loosely defined hunting areas. Although the power of the chief was far from absolute, his consent was required for all major religious or warlike undertakings; his greatest responsibilities were the settlement of disputes and the sanctioning of punishment.

      Early 21st-century population estimates indicated some 3,000 Mono descendants.

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Universalium. 2010.

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