
/min"ee euh cheuhr, -choor', min"euh cheuhr/, n.
1. a representation or image of something on a small or reduced scale.
2. a greatly reduced or abridged form or copy.
3. a very small painting, esp. a portrait, on ivory, vellum, or the like.
4. the art of executing such a painting.
5. an illumination in an illuminated manuscript or book.
6. in miniature, in a reduced size; on a small scale: The zoo exhibition offered a jungle in miniature.
7. being, on, or represented on a small scale; reduced.
[1580-90; < It miniatura miniature painting < ML miniatura, equiv. to miniat(us) (see MINIATE) + -ura -URE; sense development perh. influenced by L base min- (see MINI-, MINOR)]
Syn. 7. minute, microscopic, diminutive, tiny, minuscule.

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Universalium. 2010.

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