
/mear"euhb/, n.
(in a mosque) a niche or decorative panel designating the kiblah.
[1810-20; < Ar mihrab]

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Arabic miḥrāb

Semicircular prayer niche in the qiblah wall (the wall facing Mecca) of a mosque, reserved for the prayer leader (imām).

The mihrab originated in the reign of the Umayyad caliph al-Walīd I (705715), when the famous mosques at Medina, Jerusalem, and Damascus were built. It was adapted from the prayer niches common in Coptic Christian monasteries. Mihrabs are usually ornately decorated.

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Islamic architecture
Arabic  miḥrāb  

      prayer niche in the qiblah wall (that facing Mecca) of a mosque; mihrabs vary in size but are usually ornately decorated. The mihrab originated in the reign of the Umayyad prince al-Walīd I (705715), during which time the famous mosques at Medina, Jerusalem, and Damascus were built. The structure was adapted from the prayer niches common to the oratories of Coptic Christian monks. (See also mosque.) Most prayer rugs also have a mihrab, a segment of the design shaped like a niche. Before kneeling, the user places the rug so that the mihrab is facing Mecca.

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