Makarios III

Makarios III
/meuh kar"ee euhs, -ohs'/; Gk. /mah kah"rddee aws/
(Michael Christodoulos Mouskos), 1913-77, Cypriot statesman and Greek Orthodox prelate: archbishop and patriarch of Cyprus 1950-77; president 1960-77 (in exile 1974).

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orig. Mikhai Khristodolou Mouskos

born Aug. 13, 1913, Pano Panayia, Cyprus
died Aug. 3, 1977, Nicosia

Archbishop and primate of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus and president of Cyprus (195977).

Son of a poor shepherd, he was ordained in 1946; he became bishop in 1948 and archbishop in 1950. A supporter of Cyprus's union with Greece, opposing both independence and partition, he negotiated with the British governor of Cyprus (195556) but was arrested for sedition and exiled. In 1959 he accepted independence for Cyprus and was elected president, with a Turkish vice president. Twice reelected, he fled Cyprus following an attempted coup by the Greek Cypriot National Guard (1974). Despite a subsequent invasion by Turkey and the establishment of a separate Turkish Cypriot state in the north, he resisted partition of the country.

Makarios III

Camera Press

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bishop and president of Cyprus
original name  Mikhail Khristodolou Mouskos  
born August 13, 1913, Pano Panayia, Paphos, Cyprus
died August 3, 1977, Nicosia
 archbishop and primate of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus. He was a leader in the struggle for enosis (union) with Greece during the postwar British occupation, and, from 1959 until his death in 1977, he was the president of independent Cyprus.

      Mouskos, the son of a poor shepherd, studied in Cyprus and at the University of Athens and later at the School of Theology of Boston University. He was ordained in 1946, became bishop of Kition ( Larnaca) in 1948, and on October 18, 1950, was made archbishop.

      During that time Makarios became identified with the movement for enosis, the archbishop of Cyprus having traditionally played an important political role during the Turkish occupation as ethnarch, or head of the Greek Christian community. Opposing the British government's proposals for independence or Commonwealth status, as well as Turkish pressures for partition in order to safeguard the island's sizable Turkish population, Makarios met with the Greek prime minister, Alexandros Papagos (Papagos, Alexandros), in February 1954 and gained Greek support for enosis. The British soon suspected him of being a leading figure in the EOKA, an armed nationalist movement led by Col. Georgios Grivas (Grivas, Georgios). Makarios, however, preferred political bargaining to force and negotiated with the British governor in 195556. When these talks proved fruitless and Makarios was arrested for sedition in March 1956 and exiled to the Seychelles, the EOKA intensified its violent campaign. In March 1957 Makarios was released from detention in exile; not immediately permitted to return to the country, however, Makarios traveled to Athens before his arrival in Cyprus the following year. In February 1959 Makarios accepted a compromise that resulted in independence for Cyprus. He was elected president of the new republic on December 13, 1959, with a Turkish vice president.

      Makarios's administration was marred by fighting between Greeks and Turks, particularly after December 1963, and the active intervention of both Greece and Turkey. Previously a champion of exclusively Greek interests, he now worked for integration of the two communities, measures the Turks repeatedly resisted. In December 1967 he was obliged to accept a Turkish Cypriot Provisional Administration, which managed Turkish minority affairs outside the jurisdiction of the central government. Despite communal strife, he was elected president for a second term in February 1968. Talks between the two communities remained deadlocked over the question of local autonomy. In 1972 and 1973 other Cypriot bishops called for Makarios to resign, but he was returned unopposed for a third term as head of state in 1973.

      In July 1974 the Greek Cypriot National Guard, whose officers were mainland Greeks, attempted a coup, planned by the ruling military junta in Athens, to achieve enosis. Makarios fled to Malta and then to London, and Turkey invaded Cyprus and proclaimed a separate state for Turkish Cypriots in the north. Makarios, vowing to resist partition of the island, returned to Cyprus in December, after the fall of the mainland Greek military junta.

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