
/muy"dooh/, n., pl. Maidus, (esp. collectively) Maidu for 1.
1. a member of a tribe of North American Indians of northeastern California.
2. the Penutian language of the Maidu.

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      North American Indians who spoke a language of Penutian (Penutian languages) stock and originally lived in a territory extending eastward from the Sacramento River to the crest of the Sierra Nevada mountains and centring chiefly in the drainage of the Feather and American rivers in California, U.S.

      As with other tribes of California Indians (California Indian), the Maidu ate seeds and acorns and hunted elk, deer, bears, rabbits, ducks, and geese; they also fished for salmon, lamprey eel, and other river life. Before Spanish colonization, each Maidu group resided in one of three habitats: the inland valleys, the Sierra Nevada foothills, or the mountains themselves. The valley people were prosperous, but poverty was more common in the higher habitats. Ironically, those Maidu who were the least exposed to inclement conditions had the most-sophisticated technology and were able to construct the most-protective shelter. Thus, the valley people built large earth-covered communal dwellings, whereas the foothill dwellers and mountaineers made more-fragile brush or bark lean-tos.

      Traditional Maidu social organization was built around autonomous, yet allied, settlements; each claimed a communal territory and acted as a single political unit. Among southern groups the chiefs were hereditary, but among northern groups they could be deposed and probably achieved their position through wealth and popularity.

      Like many other central California tribes, the Maidu practiced the Kuksu religion, involving male secret societies, rites, masks and disguises, and special earth-roofed ceremonial chambers. Some of the purposes of the rituals were naturalisticto ensure good crops or plentiful game or to ward off floods and other natural disasters such as disease.

      Population estimates indicated more than 4,000 individuals of Maidu descent in the early 21st century.

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Universalium. 2010.

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