Louis XII

Louis XII
("the Father of the People")1462-1515, king of France 1498-1515.

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born June 27, 1462, Blois, France
died Jan. 1, 1515, Paris

King of France (14981515).

He became king on the death of his cousin Charles VIII. He annulled his marriage to marry Charles's widow, Anne of Brittany, and to reinforce the union of her duchy with France. He continued France's part in the Italian Wars, often with disastrous results. He conquered Milan in 1499, then lost it, but was later recognized as duke of Milan by Emperor Maximilian I. He concluded a treaty with Ferdinand V that partitioned Naples (1500), but the two kings went to war and Louis lost all of Naples (1504). In 1508 he consolidated the League of Cambrai, but when the league fell apart in 1510 its members joined England in a Holy League against France, invading it several times. Despite his failures, Louis was highly popular with the French, who called him the "Father of the People."

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king of France
also called (until 1498)  duc d'Orléans , byname  Father of the People  or  French  Père du Peuple 
born June 27, 1462, Blois, France
died Jan. 1, 1515, Paris
 king of France from 1498, noted for his disastrous Italian wars and his domestic popularity.

      Son of Charles, duc d'Orléans, and Marie de Clèves, Louis succeeded his father as duke in 1465. In 1476 he was forced to marry the saintly but misshapen Jeanne of France, daughter of his second cousin King Louis XI. During the minority of King Charles VIII he launched a revolt and was imprisoned (1488). Restored to royal favour, he commanded troops at Asti during Charles VIII's invasion of Italy (149495).

      After becoming king of France on the death of Charles, he annulled his marriage in order to marry Charles's widow, Anne of Brittany, and thereby reinforce the personal union of her duchy and his kingdom. His next concern was to make good his claim to the duchy of Milan. His army, spreading terror deliberately, drove his rival Ludovico Sforza from Milan in the summer of 1499, but Sforza reoccupied it the following winter.

 Pursuing Charles VIII's claims to the kingdom of Naples, Louis concluded the Treaty of Granada (1500) with Ferdinand II of Aragon for a partition of that kingdom, which was conquered in 1501; but a year later the two kings were at war over the partition, and by March 1504 the French had lost all of Naples. By the Treaty of Blois of September 1504, instigated by Anne of Brittany, the Habsburg emperor Maximilian I recognized Louis as duke of Milan in return for a promise that Milan and also Burgundy should go to Maximilian's grandson, the future Charles V, and his fiancée, Claude of France, daughter of Louis XII and Anne, unless Louis should have a son; meanwhile Claude was the natural heiress to Brittany. The French were enraged, however, at the possibility of losing Brittany, and representatives of the three estates were assembled by Louis at Tours in May 1506 to insist on Claude's betrothal to his heir presumptive, Francis of Angoulême.

 Crossing the Alps again to subdue rebels in Genoa, Louis met Ferdinand at Savona in June 1507 to consolidate a new entente formalized in 1508 as the League of Cambrai (Cambrai, League of) against Venice, with the inclusion of Maximilian and Pope Julius II. Gradually, the League fell apart, and in the end most of its members joined England in a Holy League against France, invading it at several points. Louis XII's overambitious enterprises ended in catastrophe. Diplomatically, he had been outwitted twice by Ferdinand and once by Julius; and his deception of Maximilian over Claude's marriage had been repaid by Maximilian's final desertion of him.

      In France itself Louis XII was highly popular. From the time of the assembly at Tours (1506) he was known asthe Father of the People.” He simplified and improved the administration of justice; sought to protect his lowest subjects against oppression; financed his wars, up to 1509, without increase in direct taxation; and kept his kingdom free from civil war and, until the end of the reign, from invasion.

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