
/kahonn brdde"/, n.
a city in N France: battles 1917, 1918. 41,109.

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      town, Nord département, Nord-Pas-de-Calais région, northern France. It lies along the Escaut River, south of Roubaix. The town was called Camaracum under the Romans, and its bishops were made counts by the German king Henry I in the 10th century. Cambrai was long a bone of contention among its neighboursthe counties of Flanders and Hainaut, the kingdom of France, and the Holy Roman Empireand it frequently changed hands. The League of Cambrai (Cambrai, League of) was an alliance (1508) against Venice formed by Pope Julius II, Louis XII, Ferdinand II of Aragon (and united Spain), and the emperor Maximilian I. The treaty (Cambrai, Treaty of) between the Holy Roman emperor Charles V and Francis I of France was signed at Cambrai in 1529. Cambrai eventually was assigned to France by the Treaty of Nijmegen (Nijmegen, Treaties of) (1678). The town's former cathedral was destroyed in 1793 after the French Revolution, and the town's present Cathedral of Notre Dame was built in the 19th century.

      Before 1914 Cambrai had a prosperous textile economy based on a fine cloth called cambric. Occupied by the Germans during both world wars and twice ravaged, the town has been revived. Cambrai now serves as a commercial and administrative centre and has a branch of the University of Valenciennes. The town lies amid a farming district rich in sugar beets, flax, grain, cattle feed, cattle, and dairy products. Historic buildings and the Fine Arts Museum have helped develop tourism. Industry includes woodworking, food processing, building, and the manufacture of textiles and construction equipment. Pop. (1999) 33,738; (2005 est.) 32,800.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • cambrai — v. de France, ch. l. d arr. du Nord, sur l Escaut; 34 210 hab. Centre comm. Industr. Archevêché. Beffroi (XVe XVIIIe s.). La paix de Cambrai ou paix des Dames y fut signée, en 1529, entre Louise de Savoie, au nom du roi de France François Ier, et …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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