- loquat
/loh"kwot, -kwat/, n.1. a small evergreen tree, Eriobotrya japonica, native to China and Japan, cultivated as an ornamental and for its yellow, plumlike fruit.2. the fruit itself.[1810-20; < dial. Chin (Guangdong) lokwat, akin to Chin lújú]
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Subtropical evergreen tree (Eriobotrya japonica) of the rose family, related to the apple and other well-known fruit trees of the temperate zone.Usually less than 33 ft (10 m) tall, it is common in parks and gardens, often trained to ornamental flatttened shapes by espalier. Dense, fragrant, white flowers grow beyond clusters of leaves with serrated edges. The small yellow-orange fruits have a pleasant, mildly acid taste; they are eaten fresh, stewed, or as jelly or liqueur. The loquat is grown commercially (usually on a small scale) in many subtropical regions.Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)G.R. Roberts* * *
▪ tree(Eriobotrya japonica), subtropical tree of the rose family (Rosaceae), related to the apple and other well-known fruit trees of the temperate zone. Ornamental in appearance and rarely more than 10 metres (33 feet) in height, the evergreen loquat is frequently planted in parks and gardens. The leaves, clustered toward the ends of the branches, are thick and stiff, elliptic to lanceolate in form, 200–250 millimetres (8–10 inches) in length, with coarsely serrate margins. The small, fragrant, white flowers are arranged in dense terminal panicles. The fruits are borne in large, loose clusters; individually they are round, obovoid, or pear-shaped, 25–75 mm in length, with a tough, yellow to bronze, plumlike skin enclosing juicy, whitish to orange-coloured flesh surrounding three or four large seeds. The flavour is agreeably tart, suggesting that of several other fruits of the same family.Though its native home is probably central eastern China, the loquat tree was introduced into Japan, where it was much developed horticulturally and is still highly valued. Some superior Japanese varieties reached Europe, the Mediterranean area, and a few other regions. The loquat is grown commercially (usually on a rather small scale) in many subtropical regions. While the loquat is commonly grown from seeds, commercial plantings are usually based on grafted trees of superior varieties. The tree is propagated by shield budding and cleft grafting; loquat seedlings or quince rootstocks grown from cuttings can be used, the latter if a dwarf tree is desired. They grow well on various soils, from sandy loams to clays, and come into bearing at three or four years.* * *
Universalium. 2010.