
/i spal"yeuhr, -yay/, n.
1. a trellis or framework on which the trunk and branches of fruit trees or shrubs are trained to grow in one plane.
2. a plant so trained.
3. to train on an espalier.
4. to furnish with an espalier.
[1655-65; < F, MF: trellis < It spalliera back rest, espalier, equiv. to spall(a) shoulder, support + -iera -IER2]

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Tree or other plant trained to grow flat against a support (such as a trellis or wall).

The term is also used for the support itself, as well as for the method or technique. The technique was developed in Europe to encourage fruit-tree production in an incompatible climate; it originally used a wall to provide heat as well as support. Decorative or space-saving espaliers use metal, wire, or wooden frames to create ornamental shapes for shrubbery or to train trees on trellises, walls, or fences. Evergreens such as loquat, fire thorn, sweet bay magnolia, and upright yew, as well as dwarf apple and pear trees, make excellent espaliers.

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      tree or other plant that is trained to grow flat against a support (such as a trellis or wall). The term also denotes the trellis or other support on which such trees or plants are trained, as well as the method or technique itself. Espalier was developed in Europe to encourage fruit-tree production in an incompatible climate, and the technique originally employed a wall to provide necessary heat as well as support.

      Decorative or space-saving espaliers use metal, wire, or wooden frames to create ornamental shapes for shrubbery or to train tree-growth on trellises, on stone, brick, or glass walls, or on fences. One method requires tip-pruning after the desired growth is reached, with auxiliary branches tied to a horizontal frame slightly above ground level. Evergreens such as loquat, fire thorn, sweet bay magnolia, and upright yew, as well as dwarf apple and pear trees, make excellent espaliers.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Espalier — is the horticultural technique of training trees through pruning and grafting in order to create formal two dimensional or single plane patterns by the branches of the tree. The technique was popular in the Middle Ages in Europe to produce fruit… …   Wikipedia

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  • espalier — 1660s, from Fr. espalier (16c.), from It. spalliera stake works shoulder high, from spalla shoulder, from L. spatula (see SPATULA (Cf. spatula)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • espalier — 1. espalier [ ɛspalje ] n. m. • 1600; archit. 1553; it. spalliera, de spalla « épaule », fig. « appui » 1 ♦ Mur le long duquel on plante des arbres fruitiers. L espalier (ou mur d espalier) est généralement garni d un treillage pour soutenir les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • espalier — (è spa lié ; l r ne se lie jamais ; au pluriel, l s se lie : des è spa lié z exposés au midi) s. m. 1°   Rangée d arbres fruitiers dont les branches sont dressées et appliquées contre un mur ou sur un treillage. Des murs tapissés d espaliers.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • ESPALIER — n. m. Rangée d’arbres fruitiers dont les branches sont étendues, couchées, dressées contre un mur et assujetties soit avec des clous, soit par un treillage. Plier, tailler, accommoder un espalier. Des fruits d’espalier. Un espalier chargé de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

  • espalier — I. ESPALIER. s. m. (l S se prononce.) Rangée d arbres fruitiers nains, & dont les branches sont estenduës, couchées, dressées contre un mur, ou contre un treillage de perches, d eschalas. On feroit de beaux espaliers le long de ces murailles. des …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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