- lighten
—lightener, n./luyt"n/, v.i.1. to become lighter or less dark; brighten: The sky lightened after the storm.2. to brighten or light up, as the eyes or features: Her face lightened when she heard the good news.3. to flash as or like lightning (often used impersonally with it as subject): It thundered and lightened for hours.4. Archaic. to shine, gleam, or be bright: steel blades lightening in the sun.v.t.5. to give light to; illuminate: A full moon lightened the road.6. to brighten (the eyes, features, etc.): A large smile lightened his face.7. to make lighter or less dark: Add white to lighten the paint.8. Obs. enlighten.9. Obs. to flash or emit like lightning (usually fol. by out, forth, or down): eyes that lightened forth implacable hatred.[1300-50; ME lightnen; see LIGHT1, -EN1]lighten2/luyt"n/, v.t.1. to make lighter in weight: to lighten the load on a truck.2. to lessen the load of or upon: to lighten a cargo ship.3. to make less burdensome or oppressive; alleviate; mitigate: to lighten taxes; to lighten someone's cares.4. to cheer or gladden: Such news lightens my heart.v.i.5. to become less severe, stringent, or harsh; ease up: Border inspections have lightened recently.6. to become less heavy, cumbersome, burdensome, oppressive, etc.: His worries seem to have lightened somewhat.[1350-1400; ME lightnen; see LIGHT2, -EN1]
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Universalium. 2010.