
/li berr"teuhs/, n.
the ancient Roman personification of liberty.

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      in Roman religion, female personification of liberty and personal freedom. Libertas was given a temple on the Aventine Hill about 238 BC. (This is not the same as the temple of Jupiter Libertas restored by the emperor Augustus.) After the statesman and orator Cicero (Cicero, Marcus Tullius)'s exile (58 BC), his political opponent the tribune Publius Clodius Pulcher (Clodius Pulcher, Publius) built a small shrine to Libertas on the site of Cicero's house on the Palatine Hill; by consecrating the property to a goddess, Clodius was rendering it uninhabitable. When Cicero returned to Rome two years later, he argued before the Senate that the consecration was invalid. He eventually regained possession of the property and was permitted to dismantle the shrine. The Senate voted to build a temple to Libertas in honour of Julius Caesar (Caesar, Julius) in 46 BC, but it was not built. A statue of Libertas was set up in the Forum (Roman Forum). Libertas is usually portrayed as a matron with a laurel wreath or a pileus (a conical felt cap given to freed slaves, hence the symbol of liberty).

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