Clodius Pulcher, Publius

Clodius Pulcher, Publius
born с 92
died January, 52 BC, Bovillae, Latium

Roman politician.

While fighting against Mithradates, he stirred up mutiny among the troops (6867). In 62 he was accused of disguising himself as a female harpist to infiltrate a women's festival at Julius Caesar's house. Though Cicero gave damaging evidence against him, he was acquitted, but Caesar divorced his wife because she was alleged to have admitted Clodius to the ceremony. As tribune (58), Clodius passed laws to punish Cicero for executing without trial those implicated in Catiline's conspiracy, and Clodius had Cicero outlawed. Clodius's political partisans engaged in street fighting that disrupted Roman elections for several years. He was killed by another faction in a running brawl on the Appian Way.

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Roman politician
born c. 93 BC
died , January, 52 BC, Bovillae, Latium [Italy]

      a disruptive politician, head of a band of political thugs, and bitter enemy of Cicero (Cicero, Marcus Tullius) in late republican Rome.

      Born into two distinguished families, Clodius served under his brother-in-law L. Lucullus in the war against Mithradates and instigated a mutiny among the troops in the winter of 6867. In December 62, when the winter ceremony of the Bona Dea (from which men were excluded) was celebrated in the house of Julius Caesar, a man believed to be Clodius was discovered disguised as a female harpist among the participants. Charged with incestum he was tried before the Senate. Caesar divorced his wife in suspicion that she had admitted Clodius to the ceremony. Clodius maintained he had been at Interamna, 90 miles (145 km) from Rome, on the day in question, but Cicero, who abused the defendant intemperately, presented evidence to the contrary. Clodius was acquitted, perhaps because the jury had been bribed, but immediately began to devise ways to revenge himself on Cicero.

      In 59, Clodius was adopted into a plebeian family and elected tribune for 58. He put an end to such unprincipled obstruction of public business on religious grounds as Bibulus had practiced in 59 and reenacted a series of laws forbidding execution of a Roman citizen without trial. Cicero, the intended target of the latter measures, had in December 63 put to death without trial the associates of the conspirator Catiline. The orator thereupon fled from Rome to avoid prosecution, and Clodius managed, with a second act, to have him outlawed. In the following two years Clodius worked for Caesar to ensure that Pompey did not abandon his political alliance with Caesar to side with the Optimates. Clodius then became the political rival in Rome of the Optimate tribune T. Annius Milo, who helped to have Cicero recalled from exile in 57. The conflicting gangs, partisans of Milo and of Clodius, kept the city in turmoil for several years and prevented elections of officials. Clodius was killed by Milo after a running fight on the Appian Way.

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