
/looh koth"ee euh/, n. Class. Myth.
a sea goddess, the deified Ino, who gave Odysseus a veil as a float after a storm had destroyed his raft.
Also, Leukothea.
[ < Gk: lit., the white goddess]

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In Greek mythology, a sea goddess.

She is first mentioned in the Odyssey, in which she rescued Odysseus from drowning. She was traditionally identified with Ino, daughter of Cadmus, who incurred the wrath of Hera by caring for the infant Dionysus, Zeus's son by Semele. Hera drove Ino and her son Melicertes mad, and they leaped into the sea, where they were changed into marine deities
Ino into Leucothea, Melicertes into Palaemon. A dolphin carried Melicertes' body to the Isthmus of Corinth, and the Isthmian Games were instituted in his honour.

Leucothea giving Dionysus a drink from the Horn of Plenty, antique bas-relief; in the Lateran ...

Alinari-Art Resource/EB Inc.

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      (Greek: White Goddess [of the Foam]), in Greek mythology, a sea goddess first mentioned in Homer's Odyssey, in which she rescued the Greek hero Odysseus from drowning. She was customarily identified with Ino, daughter of the Phoenician Cadmus; because she cared for the infant god Dionysus, the goddess Hera drove Ino (or her husband, Athamas) mad so that she and her son, Melicertes, leaped terrified into the sea. Both were changed into marine deitiesIno as Leucothea, Melicertes as Palaemon. The body of Melicertes was carried by a dolphin to the Isthmus of Corinth and deposited under a pine tree. There Melicertes' body was found by his uncle Sisyphus, who removed it to Corinth and instituted the Isthmian games and sacrifices in his honour. Leucothea's link with Cadmus suggests possible Semitic connections; Melicertes may be identical with the Phoenician god Melqart.

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