- Cadmus
/kad"meuhs/, n./kad"meuhs/, n.Class. Myth. a Phoenician prince who introduced writing to the Greeks and who founded the city of Thebes in the company of five warriors. Cf. Sparti.
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When Zeus carried off Europa, Cadmus was sent to find her. The Delphic oracle ordered him to end his search, follow a cow, and build a town where it lay down. That town became Thebes. He built the citadel of Thebes with the help of fierce armed men who sprang up where he sowed the teeth of a dragon he had slain. He married Harmonia, daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, and their five children included Semele. Cadmus was said to have brought the alphabet to Greece.* * *
in Greek mythology, the son of Phoenix or Agenor (king of Phoenicia) and brother of Europa. Europa was carried off by Zeus, king of the gods, and Cadmus was sent out to find her. Unsuccessful, he consulted the Delphic oracle, which ordered him to give up his quest, follow a cow, and build a town on the spot where she lay down. The cow guided him to Boeotia (Cow Land), where he founded the city of Thebes. Later, Cadmus sowed in the ground the teeth of a dragon he had killed. From these sprang a race of fierce armed men, called Sparti (meaning Sown). The Sparti fought one another until only five survived. These five assisted him in building the Cadmea, or citadel, of Thebes and became the founders of the noblest families of that city. Cadmus later took as his wife Harmonia, daughter of the divinities Ares and Aphrodite, by whom he had a son, Polydorus, and four daughters, Ino, Autonoë, Agave, and Semele. For her liaison with Zeus, Semele was destroyed by Hera's plan. Ino was driven mad by Hera and jumped with her one surviving son into the sea. Autonoë's son Actaeon was killed by his hounds, and Agave—with the help of Ino and Autonoë—unknowingly killed her son, Pentheus. After Pentheus's death, Cadmus and Harmonia finally retired to Illyria. But when the Illyrians later angered the gods and were punished, Cadmus and Harmonia were saved, being changed into black serpents and sent by Zeus to the Islands of the Blessed (Elysian Fields).According to tradition, Cadmus brought the alphabet from Phoenicia to Greece.* * *
Universalium. 2010.