
/lan tan"euh/, n.
any of numerous chiefly tropical plants belonging to the genus Lantana, of the verbena family, certain species of which, as L. camara, are cultivated for their aromatic flowers of yellow and orange or blue and violet.
[1785-95; < NL < dial. It lantana wayfaring tree]

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Any of more than 150 shrubs that make up the genus Lantana in the verbena family, native to the New World and African tropics.

They are cultivated for their ornamental foliage, fragrant clusters of flowers, and colourful blue-black fruits. Common lantana (L. camara), a weed in the New World tropics, is much used as a garden plant elsewhere. It grows to 10 ft (3 m) and blooms almost continuously with yellow, orange, pink, or white flower heads. The aromatic leaves are rough and oval.

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▪ plant genus
 genus of more than 150 shrubs native to tropical America and Africa and belonging to the verbena family (Verbenaceae), order Lamiales. Common lantana (L. camara; see photograph—>), growing to 3 metres (10 feet) tall, is a weed in tropical America, but elsewhere it is much used as a garden plant. It blooms almost continuously with yellow, orange, pink, and white flower heads in various colour combinations. The aromatic leaves are rough and oval. Clusters of poisonous black berries follow the flowers.

      Trailing lantana (L. montevidensis), from South America, is a small-leaved, drooping, thinly branched species that bears rose-lavender flowers. Other species are variously known as yellow sage, weeping (or trailing) lantana, and polecat geranium.

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Universalium. 2010.

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