
khedival, khedivial /keuh dee"vee euhl/, adj.khediviate /keuh dee"vee it, -ayt'/, khedivate /keuh dee"vit, -vayt'/, n.
/keuh deev"/, n.
the title of the Turkish viceroys in Egypt from 1867 to 1914.
[ < F khédive < Turk hidiv < Pers khidiw prince]

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Egyptian title
Turkish  hidiv , Arabic  khidīwī , from the Persian  khidīw 

      title granted by the Ottoman sultan Abdülaziz to the hereditary pasha of Egypt, Ismāʿīl (Ismāʿīl Pasha), in 1867. Derived from a Persian term forlordorruler,” the title was subsequently used by Ismāʿīl's successors, Tawfīq (Tawfīq Pasha, Muḥammad) and Abbās IIʿ, although it had been used informally by his predecessors before that. It was replaced by the title of sultan in 1914, when Egypt became a British protectorate.

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