
/ken"l/, n., v., kenneled, kenneling or (esp. Brit.) kennelled, kennelling.
1. a house or shelter for a dog or a cat.
2. Often, kennels. an establishment where dogs or cats are bred, raised, trained, or boarded.
3. the hole or lair of an animal, esp. a fox.
4. a wretched abode likened to a doghouse.
5. a pack of dogs.
6. to put into or keep in a kennel: to kennel a dog for a week.
7. to take shelter or lodge in a kennel.
[1300-50; ME kenel < AF *kenil (F chenil) < VL *canile (L can(is) dog + -ile suffix of place)]
/ken"l/, n.
an open drain or sewer; gutter.
[1575-85; var. of cannel, ME canel CHANNEL1]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • kennel — kennel1 [ken′əl] n. [ME kenel, prob. via NormFr < OFr chenil < VL * canile < L canis, a dog: see CANINE] 1. a doghouse 2. [often pl.] a place where dogs are bred or kept 3. a pack of dogs vt. kenneled or kennelled …   English World dictionary

  • Kennel — Ken nel, n. [OE. kenel, (assumed) OF. kenil, F. chenil, LL. canile, fr. L. canis a dog. Cf. {Canine}.] 1. A house for a dog or for dogs, or for a pack of hounds. [1913 Webster] A dog sure, if he could speak, had wit enough to describe his kennel …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Kennel — Ken nel, v. t. To put or keep in a kennel. Thomson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • kennel — ► NOUN 1) a small shelter for a dog. 2) (kennels) (treated as sing. or pl. ) a boarding or breeding establishment for dogs. ► VERB (kennelled, kennelling; US kenneled, kenneling) ▪ put or keep ( …   English terms dictionary

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  • Kennel — Ken nel, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Kenneled}or {Kennelled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Kennelling}.] To lie or lodge; to dwell, as a dog or a fox. [1913 Webster] The dog kenneled in a hollow tree. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • kennel — (n.) c.1300, from Anglo Fr. *kenil, O.Fr. chenil, from V.L. *canile, from L. canem (nom. canis) dog (see CANINE (Cf. canine)), with suffix as in ovile sheepfold [OED]. As a verb, 1550s, from the noun …   Etymology dictionary

  • Kennel — This article concerns shelter for dogs. For the missile with the code name kennel , see AS 1 Kennel A kennel is the name given to any structure or shelter for dogs. A kennel is a doghouse, run, or other small structure in which a dog is kept.… …   Wikipedia

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