
/kah"neuh/; Japn. /kah"nah/, n.
a Japanese syllabic script consisting of 71 symbols and having two written varieties. Cf. hiragana, katakana.
[1720-30; < Japn; earlier kanna, kari-na makeshift names (i.e., characters) as opposed to ma-na true characters, i.e., KANJI]

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Japanese writing
      two parallel modern Japanese syllabaries (katakana and hiragana), each of which independently represents all the sounds of the Japanese language. Although each derives its simple elements from Chinese characters, the two serve different purposes and differ stylistically.

      Katakana symbols, which tend to be angular in shape, are used for foreign words, telegrams, and some children's books and often for advertising headlines in print media and television and billboards. Hiragana, a cursive, graceful writing system that flourished as the script of ladies of the court about 1000, when it came to be called onna-de (“woman's hand”), is used in modern Japanese primarily to perform grammatical functions. This need arises because the Chinese characters ( kanji) used extensively in written Japanese to convey meaning cannot of themselves express the inflected forms of the Japanese language; hiragana symbols indicate inflection and possession, identify direct objects of sentences and phrases, and perform other grammatical functions. Prepositions and many adjectives and common phrases are nearly always written in hiragana, as are numerous frequently used single words. A typical passage of Japanese writing, therefore, contains kanji, hiragana, and perhaps also katakana.

      Each kana syllabary consists of 46 basic symbols, the first five of which represent the vowels a, i, u, e, o. The next 40 symbols represent syllables composed of an initial consonant (or consonants) followed by a vowel, e.g., ka, shi, fu, te, yo. The final symbol represents a final n (sometimes m). Additional sounds are represented by slightly modifying 20 of the basic katakana or hiragana symbols; this is done by placing nigori, a tiny circle or two small strokes resembling quotation marks, at the upper right-hand corner of the symbol. In this way 25 new sound symbols are produced; e.g., ka becomes ga, shi becomes ji, fu becomes bu or pu, te becomes de, and so becomes zo. Further sounds are represented by combining syllables; for example, ki and ya are pronounced kya, and shi and yu are pronounced shu.

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