
/kah"meuh/, n.
a river in the E Russian Federation in Europe, flowing from the central Ural Mountains region into the Volga River S of Kazan. 1200 mi. (1930 km) long.
/kah"meuh/, n.
1. Hindu Myth. the god of erotic desire, sometimes seen as an aspect of the god whose other aspect is Mara, or death.
2. (l.c.) the attachment to temporal things personified by this god.
[ < Skt, special use of kama love, desire, god of love]

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In Indian mythology, the god of love.

In the Vedic age he personified cosmic desire or the creative impulse, and he was called the first-born of primeval chaos. He was later often depicted as a handsome youth attended by heavenly nymphs, who shot love-producing flower arrows from a sugarcane bow. He was once killed by Shiva, who was enraged when Kama disturbed his meditation on a mountaintop, but the great god later relented and brought Kama back to life.

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Hindu god
 in the mythology of India, the god of love. During the Vedic age (2nd millennium7th century BCE), he personified cosmic desire, or the creative impulse, and was called the firstborn of the primeval Chaos that makes all creation possible. In later periods he is depicted as a handsome youth, attended by heavenly nymphs, who shoots love-producing flower-arrows. His bow is of sugarcane, his bowstring a row of bees. Once directed by the other gods to arouse Shiva's passion for Parvati (Pārvatī), he disturbed the great god's meditation on a mountaintop. Enraged, Shiva burned him to ashes with the fire of his third eye. Thus, he became Ananga (Sanskrit:the Bodiless”). Some accounts say Shiva soon relented and restored him to life after the entreaties of Kama's wife, Rati. Others hold that Kama's subtle bodiless form renders him even more deftly omnipresent than he would be if constrained by bodily limitation.

      The Sanskrit term kama also refers to one of the four proper aims of human lifepleasure and love. A classic textbook on erotic love and human pleasure, the Kama-sutra (5th century CE), is attributed to the sage Vatsyayana.

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