
/kuy"zeuhrz low'teuhrn/; Ger. /kuy'zeuhrdds low"teuhrddn/, n.
a city in S Rhineland-Palatinate, in SW Germany. 100,300.

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      city, Rhineland-Palatinate Land (state), southwestern Germany. It lies between the Haardt Mountains (Pfälzer Wald) and the Saar-Nahe-Bergland (Nordpfälzer Bergland), northeast of Saarbrücken. It is surrounded by the Pfälzer Wald Nature Park. A royal residence existed there in the Carolingian period (after 751). The place-name is derived from Lauter (a local stream) and from the emperor (kaiser) Frederick I (Frederick Barbarossa), who built a palace on the site in the 12th century. It became an imperial city in 1276 but fell under the rule of the electoral counts palatine by 1375. The city was the focal point of the Palatinate democratic revolution in 184849. By 1900 it had developed into one of the largest industrial centres in the Palatinate, with ironworks and cotton mills.

      Kaiserslautern is an important banking and rail transshipment centre that manufactures machines and automobile parts, including motors. Computer hardware assembly and software production are also important. The city is home to Ramstein Air Base, one of the largest United States overseas military installations and the headquarters of United States air forces in Europe.

      Several of the city's old buildings survive despite severe damage in World War II. The cultural heart of the western Palatinate, Kaiserslautern has a variety of schools and museums, a theatre, and a concert hall. The university in the city was founded in 1970 as part of the Trier-Kaiserslautern University joint campus; it became autonomous in 1975. Pop. (2003 est.) 99,095.

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