
journalary, adj.journalish, adj.
/jerr"nl/, n.
1. a daily record, as of occurrences, experiences, or observations: She kept a journal during her European trip.
2. a newspaper, esp. a daily one.
3. a periodical or magazine, esp. one published for a special group, learned society, or profession: the October issue of The English Journal.
4. a record, usually daily, of the proceedings and transactions of a legislative body, an organization, etc.
5. Bookkeeping.
a. a daybook.
b. (in the double-entry method) a book into which all transactions are entered from the daybook or blotter to facilitate posting into the ledger.
6. Naut. a log or logbook.
7. Mach. the portion of a shaft or axle contained by a plain bearing.
[1325-75; ME < OF journal daily (adj. and n.) < LL diurnalis DIURNAL]

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      an account of day-to-day events or a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use that is similar to, but sometimes less personal than, a diary.

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