
/hah lah"pah/, n.
a city in and the capital of Veracruz, in E Mexico. 183,216.

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in full Jalapa Enríquez

City (pop., 2000: 373,076), capital of Veracruz state, east-central Mexico.

It is located in the Sierra Madre Oriental about 4,700 ft (1,430 m) above sea level. A market city for locally grown coffee and tobacco, it was famous in colonial days for its annual fair, held to dispose of the goods brought from Cádiz, Spain, by the returning Spanish silver fleet. The massive Spanish-Moorish architecture of the city is reminiscent of viceregal days.

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      city, southeastern Guatemala, located in a picturesque valley of the central highlands at an elevation of 4,469 feet (1,362 metres) above sea level. Jalapa functions as a commercial, manufacturing, and administrative centre for the fertile agricultural and pastoral hinterland. Because of its isolation the city has retained much colonial architecture and culture. Jalapa is connected to the Inter-American Highway in the south by a paved road, and it is connected in the north to the highway leading to Guatemala City. Pop. (2002) 39,301.

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