
/ik'euh bah"neuh/; Japn. /ee"ke bah"nah/, n.
the Japanese art of arranging flowers.
[1900-05; < Japn, equiv. to ike(y) to make live, causative of ik- live ( < *ika-i) + -bana comb. form of hana flower (earlier fana < *pana)]

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Japanese art of flower arranging.

It was introduced in Japan in the 6th century by Chinese Buddhist missionaries, who had formalized the ritual of offering flowers to the Buddha. The first school of flower arranging in Japan was founded in the early 7th century. The art is based on harmony of simple linear construction and appreciation of the subtle beauty of flowers and natural material (branches, stems). Several major schools, with differing histories and theories of artistic style, exist to this day. In its highest form, ikebana is spiritual and philosophical in nature, but in modern Japan it is more often practiced as a sign of refinement by marriageable young women or older matrons.

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Japanese floral art
      traditionally, the classical art of Japanese (arts, East Asian) flower arranging; the meaning of the term was later extended to encompass all the various styles of Japanese floral art. Ikebana was introduced in Japan in the 6th century by Chinese Buddhist missionaries who had formalized the ritual of offering flowers to the Buddha. The first school of flower arranging in Japan, Ikenobō (q.v.), was founded by Ono no Imoko in the early 7th century. Based on a harmony of simple linear construction and an appreciation of the subtle beauty of flowers and natural material, ikebana has separated into several major schools according to historical periods and differing theories of artistic composition. The other major schools, in addition to Ikenobō, are Ko (Koryū), Ohara, and Sogetsū. For individual styles, see rikka, shōka, nageire, moribana, and zen'ei ikebana.

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