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Hypersthene — is a common rock forming inosilicate mineral belonging to the group of orthorhombic pyroxenes. Many references have formally abandoned this term, preferring to categorise this mineral as enstatite or ferrosilite. It is found in igneous and some… … Wikipedia
Hypersthene — Hy per*sthene (h[imac] p[ e]r*sth[=e]n), n. [Gr. ype r over + sqe nos strength: cf. F. hyperst[ e]ne.] (Min.) An orthorhombic mineral of the pyroxene group, of a grayish or greenish black color, often with a peculiar bronzelike luster (schiller)… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hypersthène — ● hypersthène nom masculin (du grec sthenos, force) Orthopyroxène contenant du fer et du magnésium en quantités équivalentes … Encyclopédie Universelle
hypersthene — [hī′pər sthēn΄] n. [altered (modeled on Gr) < Fr hyperstène: coined (1803) by R. J. Haüy (1743 1822), Fr mineralogist < Gr hyper , HYPER + sthenos, strength] a dark colored variety, (Mg,Fe)SiO3, of enstatite, containing a large amount of… … English World dictionary
Hypersthène — Un échantillon d hypersthène L hypersthène est un inosilicate commun dans les roches appartenant au groupe des pyroxènes orthorhombiques. De nombreuses références ont formellement abandonné ce terme, préférant catégoriser ce minéral parmi les… … Wikipédia en Français
hypersthene — noun Etymology: French hypersthène, from Greek hyper + sthenos strength Date: circa 1808 an orthorhombic grayish or greenish black or dark brown pyroxene • hypersthenic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
hypersthene — hiperstenas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė (Mg,Fe)₂[Si₂O₆] atitikmenys: angl. hypersthene rus. гиперстен … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
hypersthene — noun An inosilicate that is an orthorhombic pyroxene … Wiktionary
hypersthene — [ hʌɪpəsθi:n] noun a greenish rock forming mineral consisting of a magnesium iron silicate. Origin C19: coined in Fr., from hyper + Gk sthenos strength (because it is harder than hornblende) … English new terms dictionary
hypersthene — hy·per·sthene … English syllables