
enstatitic /en'steuh tit"ik/, adj.
/en"steuh tuyt'/, n. Mineral.
a yellow-green fibrous magnesium silicate, an orthorhombic pyroxene found in norites containing less than five percent ferrous oxide.
[1855-60; < Gk enstát(es) adversary + -ITE1]

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Common silicate mineral in the pyroxene family.

It is the stable form of magnesium silicate (MgSiO3, often with up to 10% iron) in magnesium-and iron-rich igneous rock types. Enstatite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system (three unequal axes at right angles to each other).

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      common silicate mineral in the pyroxene family. It is the stable form of magnesium silicate (MgSiO3, often with up to 10 percent iron) at low temperatures. See orthopyroxene.

      The other forms of magnesium silicate are protoenstatite, which occurs at very high temperatures, and clinoenstatite, which occurs in unstable form at low temperatures. Enstatite and protoenstatite crystallize in the orthorhombic system (three unequal axes at right angles to each other); clinoenstatite crystallizes in the monoclinic (monoclinic system) (three unequal axes with one oblique intersection). Clinoenstatite forms a series with clinoferrosilite that is analogous to the enstatiteferrosilite series.

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