
/huy'peuhr bawr"ee euhn, -bohr"-, -beuh ree"-/, n.
1. Class. Myth. one of a people supposed to live in a land of perpetual sunshine and abundance beyond the north wind.
2. an inhabitant of an extreme northern region.
3. of or pertaining to the Hyperboreans.
4. (l.c.) of, pertaining to, or living in a far northern region.
[ < L hyperbore(us) < Gk hyperbóreos beyond the north wind, northern, polar (hyper- HYPER- + boréas the north, the north wind) + -AN; see BOREAS]

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      in Greek religion, one of a mythical people intimately connected with the worship of Apollo at Delphi and of Artemis at Delos. The Hyperboreans were named with reference to Boreas, the north wind, and their home was placed in a paradisal region in the far north, “beyond the north wind.” They lived for 1,000 years; if any desired to shorten that period, he decked himself with garlands and threw himself from a rock into the sea. According to Herodotus, several Hyperborean maidens had been sent with offerings to Delos, but, the offerings having been delivered, the maidens died. Thereafter the Hyperboreans wrapped their offerings in wheat straw and requested their neighbours to hand them on, from nation to nation, until they finally reached Delos.

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  • Hyperborean — Hy per*bo re*an, a. [L. hyperboreus, Gr. ?; ype r over, beyond + ?. See {Boreas}.] 1. (Greek Myth.) Of or pertaining to the region beyond the North wind, or to its inhabitants. [1913 Webster] 2. Northern; belonging to, or inhabiting, a region in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hyperborean — Hy per*bo re*an, n. 1. (Greek Myth.) One of the people who lived beyond the North wind, in a land of perpetual sunshine. [1913 Webster] 2. An inhabitant of the most northern regions. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hyperborean — 1590s, from L.L. hyperboreanus, from L. hyperboreus, from Gk. hyperboreos pertaining to the regions of the far north, from hyper (see HYPER (Cf. hyper )) + Boreas (see BOREAL (Cf. Boreal)). The Hyperboreans were an imagined Arctic people believed …   Etymology dictionary

  • hyperborean — [hī΄pər bôr′ē ən, hī΄pərbə rē′ən] adj. [LL Hyperboreanus < L Hyperboreus < Gr hyperboreos, beyond the north wind < hyper (see HYPER ) + boreas, north wind: see BOREAS] 1. of the far north 2. very cold; frigid 3. [H ] of the Hyperboreans… …   English World dictionary

  • hyperborean — 1. noun /hʌɪpəˈbɔːɹɪən/ a) one of a race of people in Greek mythology living in the extreme north, beyond the north wind b) any person living in a northern country, or to the north 2. adjective /hʌɪpəˈbɔːɹɪən/ pertaining to the extreme north of… …   Wiktionary

  • hyperborean — [ˌhʌɪpəbɔ: ri:ən, bɔ:rɪən] literary noun 1》 an inhabitant of the extreme north. 2》 (Hyperborean) Greek Mythology a member of a race worshipping Apollo and living in a land of sunshine beyond the north wind. adjective relating to the extreme north …   English new terms dictionary

  • Hyperborean — Hy•per•bo•re•an [[t]ˌhaɪ pərˈbɔr i ən, ˈboʊr , bəˈri [/t]] n. 1) myt a member of a people of ancient Greek legend reputed to live in a land of perpetual sunshine and abundance beyond the north wind 2) an inhabitant of an extreme northern region… …   From formal English to slang

  • hyperborean — /haɪpəˈbɔriən/ (say huypuh bawreeuhn) adjective 1. of the extreme north. 2. arctic; frigid. {from Hyperborean, in Greek legend, one of a people supposed to live in a land of perpetual sunshine and plenty beyond the north wind; from Late Latin… …  

  • Hyperborean — n. & adj. n. 1 an inhabitant of the extreme north of the earth. 2 (Hyperborean) (in Greek mythology) a member of a race worshipping Apollo and living in a land of sunshine and plenty beyond the north wind. adj. of the extreme north of the earth.… …   Useful english dictionary

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