
hyenic, hyenine /huy ee"nuyn, -nin/, adj.
/huy ee"neuh/, n.
a doglike carnivore of the family Hyaenidae, of Africa, southwestern Asia, and south central Asia, having a coarse coat, a sloping back, and large teeth and feeding chiefly on carrion, often in packs.
[1350-1400; ME hiena < ML hyena, L hyaena < Gk hýaina, equiv. to hy- (s. of hys) hog + -aina fem. suffix; r. ME hyane, hyene < MF hiene < L]

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Any of three species of coarse-furred, doglike carnivores (family Hyaenidae) found in Asia and Africa.

Actually more closely related to cats than to dogs, they have four toes on each foot, long forelegs, nonretractile claws, and enormously strong jaws and teeth. They live alone or in packs and may be active by night or day. Hyenas are noted for scavenging but will also attack live prey. The spotted, or laughing, hyena, whose calls alternately resemble wailing and maniacal laughter, ranges through much of sub-Saharan Africa. Yellowish or grayish with dark spots, it is about 6.5 ft (1.8 m) long, including the 12-in. (30-cm) tail, and weighs up to 175 lbs (80 kg). It has been known to attack people and even carry off young children.

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also spelled  hyaena  

      any of three species of coarse-furred, doglike carnivores (carnivore) found in Asia and Africa and noted for their scavenging (scavenger) habits. Hyenas have long forelegs and a powerful neck and shoulders for dismembering and carrying prey. Hyenas are tireless trotters with excellent sight, hearing, and smell for locating carrion, and they are proficient hunters as well. All hyenas are more or less nocturnal.

      Intelligent, curious, and opportunistic in matters of diet, hyenas frequently come into contact with humans. The spotted, or laughing (laughing hyena), hyena (Crocuta crocuta) is the largest species and will burglarize food stores, steal livestock, occasionally kill people, and consume wasteshabits for which they are usually despised, even by the Masai (Maasai), who leave out their dead for hyenas. Even so, hyena body parts are sought for traditional tokens and potions made to cure barrenness, grant wisdom, and enable the blind to find their way around. Brown hyenas (Parahyaena brunnea or sometimes Hyaena brunnea) are blamed for many livestock deaths that they probably do not cause. Similarly, from North Africa eastward to India, striped hyenas (H. hyaena) are blamed when small children disappear and for supposedly attacking small livestock and digging up graves. In consequence, some populations have been persecuted nearly to extinction. All three species are in decline outside protected areas.

      Spotted hyenas range south of the Sahara except in rainforests. They are ginger-coloured with patterns of dark spots unique to each individual, and females are larger than males. Weighing up to 82 kg (180 pounds), they can measure almost 2 metres (6.6 feet) long and about 1 metre tall at the shoulder. Spotted hyenas communicate using moans, yells, giggles, and whoops, and these sounds may carry several kilometres. Gestation is about 110 days, and annual litter size is usually two cubs, born in any month.

      The spotted hyena hunts everything from young hippos to fish, though antelopes are more common. In East and Southern Africa, they kill most of their own food, chasing wildebeest, gazelles, and zebras at up to 65 km (40 miles) per hour for 3 km. Contrary to popular belief, healthy as well as weakened individuals are taken. One or two animals may start the chase, but dozens might be in on the kill; an adult zebra mare and her two-year-old foal (370 kg total weight) were observed being torn apart and consumed by 35 hyenas in half an hour. Strong jaws and broad molars allow the animal to get at every part of a carcass and crush bones, which are digested in the stomach by highly concentrated hydrochloric acid. Spotted hyenas sometimes go several days between meals, as the stomach can hold 14.5 kg of meat.

      Living in clans of 5 to 80 individuals, spotted hyenas mark the boundaries of their territory with dung piles (“latrines”) and scent from anal glands. Females' genitals externally resemble males' and have social importance in the genital greeting, in which animals lift the hind leg to allow mutual inspection. The sexes have a linear dominance hierarchy, the lowest female outranking the highest male. The dominant female monopolizes carcasses when she can, which results in better nutrition for her cubs. The dominant male obtains most matings. For 6 months the cubs' only food is mother's milk; nursing bouts may last four hours. Where prey is migratory, the mothercommutes30 km or more from the den, and she may not see her cubs for three days. After 6 months the cubs begin eating meat from kills, but they continue to drink milk until 14 months old. Female cubs inherit the status of their mothers; young males sometimes move to other clans, where they are more likely to breed.

      The smaller brown hyena weighs about 40 kg; the coat is shaggy and dark with an erectile white mane over the neck and shoulders and horizontal white bands on the legs. The brown hyena lives in Southern Africa and western coastal deserts, where it is called the beach, or strand, wolf. Birds and their eggs, insects, and fruit are staples, but leftovers from kills made by lions, cheetahs, and spotted hyenas are very important seasonally. Small mammals and reptiles are occasionally killed. After 3 months' gestation, cubs (usually three) are born anytime during the year and are weaned by 15 months of age. Like spotted hyenas, brown hyenas live in clans that mark and defend territory, but behaviour differs in several critical ways: adult females nurse each other's cubs; other clan members take food to the cubs; and females do not outrank males.

      Five races of striped hyenas live in scrub woodland as well as in arid and semiarid open country from Morocco to Egypt and Tanzania, Asia Minor, the Arabian Peninsula, the Caucasus, and India. These small hyenas average 3040 kg. Colour is pale gray with black throat fur and stripes on the body and legs. The hair is long, with a crest running from behind the ears to the tail; the crest is erected to make the animal look larger. Striped hyenas apparently do not scent-mark or defend territory. Litters of one to four cubs are born any time during the year after a 3-month gestation; they are weaned at 1012 months. A female's offspring may stay and help raise her new cubs. Striped hyenas have a diet much like that of brown hyenas: insects, fruit, and small vertebrates. In Israel striped hyenas are pests of melon and date crops.

      Order Carnivora branched into dog and cat lineages 50 million years ago; hyenas arose from the cat group. Thus, although hyenas look like dogs, they are actually more closely related to cats. Family Hyaenidae diverged about 30 million years ago. Early hyaenids did not all have bone-crushing molars; those were probably a recent development as some hyenas exploited large carcasses left by sabre-toothed cats (sabre-toothed cat). Hyaenidae also includes the aardwolf, which looks like a small striped hyena. It has a specialized diet of insects and belongs to a subfamily separate from hyenas.

Lory Herbison & George W. Frame

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