
hierophantic, adj.hierophantically, adv.
/huy"euhr euh fant', huy"reuh-, huy er"euh-/, n.
1. (in ancient Greece) an official expounder of rites of worship and sacrifice.
2. any interpreter of sacred mysteries or esoteric principles; mystagogue.
[1670-80; < LL hierophanta < Gk hierophántes, equiv. to hiero- HIERO- + -phántes, deriv. of phaínein to show, make known]

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Chief priest of the Eleusinian Mysteries in ancient Greece.

His main task was to display the sacred objects during the celebration of the mysteries and explain their secret meaning to initiates. The priest was usually an old, celibate man with a forceful voice, chosen from the Eumolpids, one of the original clans of Eleusis. Upon election, he cast aside his former name and was called only hierophantes.

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Greek priest

      (“displayer of holy things”), in ancient Greece, chief of the Eleusinian (Eleusinian Mysteries) cult, the best-known of the mystery religions of ancient Greece. His principal job was to chant demonstrations of sacred symbols during the celebration of the mysteries. At the opening of the ceremonies, he proclaimed that all unclean persons must stay awaya rule that he had the right to enforce.

      Usually an old, celibate man with a forceful voice, he was selected from the Eumolpids, one of the original clans of the ancient Greek city of Eleusis, to serve for life. Upon taking office he symbolically cast his former name into the sea and was thereafter called only hierophantēs. During the ceremonies he wore a headband and a long, richly embroidered purple robe.

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