
hemolytic /hee'meuh lit"ik, hem'euh-/, adj.
/hi mol"euh sis/, n.
the breaking down of red blood cells with liberation of hemoglobin. Also called hematolysis.
[1885-90; HEMO- + -LYSIS]

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also spelled  Haemolysis, 

      breakdown or destruction of red blood cells (erythrocyte) so that the contained hemoglobin is freed into the surrounding medium. antibody (lysin) attaches to the red cell but cannot cause bursting in the absence of a normal blood component called complement. Apart from normal breakdown of aged red blood cells, hemolysis is abnormal in the living but may be caused by inherited defects in the blood cells (e.g., hereditary spherocytosis, thalassemia), by chemicals, venoms, the toxic products of microorganisms, transfusion of the wrong blood type, or Rh incompatibility of fetal and maternal blood, a condition called erythroblastosis fetalis. It is a major finding in hemolytic anemia.

      Hemolysis may be produced in the laboratory by various physical agents (heat, freezing, flooding with water, sound); in certain situations it is used as a specific laboratory test for antigenantibody reactions. Hemolysis caused by physical agents is rare in the living because of body buffering systems; but in the disease paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, exposure to cold causes self-produced hemolyzing agents to destroy the individual's own red cells.

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