
/huyl"brddawn/, n.
a city in N Baden-Württemberg, in SW Germany. 110,900.

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      city, Baden-Württemberg Land (state), southwestern Germany. It lies along the Neckar River and is surrounded by vineyards and the Swabian Forest. Built on the site of an old Roman settlement, it was first mentioned in 741, and the Carolingian princes had a palace there. Heilbronn was created a free imperial city in 1281. Its name—originally Heiligbronn, or “holy spring”—refers to a stream that issued from under the high altar of St. Kilian's Church, built in the Gothic and Renaissance styles with a unique tower.

      Situated in a fertile fruit-, vegetable-, and grape-growing region, Heilbronn is a commercial centre with a harbour that serves as a transloading point on the Rhine-Neckar shipping route. Metalworking and the manufacture of electronic equipment, motor-vehicle parts, and machinery are important industries. The city suffered severe damage in World War II, but most of its historic buildings have been rebuilt or restored, including St. Kilian's Church and the town hall (1540), which features a curious clock (1580). The house of the Teutonic Knights (Deutsches Haus) is in ruins. Several old towers survive, including the Diebsturm, or Götzenturm, on the Neckar. Pop. (2003 est.) 120,705.

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