
/hash/, n.
1. a dish of diced or chopped meat and often vegetables, as of leftover corned beef or veal and potatoes, sautéed in a frying pan or of meat, potatoes, and carrots cooked together in gravy.
2. a mess, jumble, or muddle: a hash of unorganized facts and figures.
3. a reworking of old and familiar material: This essay is a hash of several earlier and better works.
4. Computers. garbage (def. 7).
5. Radio and Television Slang. electrical noise on a radio or snow in a television picture caused by interfering outside sources that generate sparking.
6. make a hash of, to spoil or botch: The new writer made a hash of his first assignment.
7. settle someone's hash, Informal. to get rid of; subdue: Her blunt reply really settled my hash.
8. to chop into small pieces; make into hash; mince.
9. to muddle or mess up: We thought we knew our parts, but when the play began we hashed the whole thing.
10. to discuss or review (something) thoroughly (often fol. by out): They hashed out every aspect of the issue.
11. hash over, to bring up again for consideration; discuss, esp. in review: At the class reunion they hashed over their college days.
[1645-55; < F hacher to cut up, deriv. of hache ax, HATCHET]
Syn. 6. bungle, butcher, muddle, mess up, flub. 11. review, recall, reminisce, recollect, remember.
/hash/, n. Slang.
[by shortening]

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  • hash — Ⅰ. hash [1] ► NOUN 1) a dish of diced cooked meat reheated with potatoes. 2) a jumble; a mess. ► VERB ▪ make or chop into a hash. ● make a hash of Cf. ↑make a hash of …   English terms dictionary

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