
/how"meuh/, n.
1. a leafless vine, Sarcostemma acidum, of eastern India, yielding a sour, milky juice.
2. Also, homa. Zoroastrianism.
a. a sacramental drink prepared with the juice of the haoma plant, milk, and water.
b. (cap.) a god personifying this sacred drink.
[1885-90; < Avestan; c. SOMA2]

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      in Zoroastrianism, sacred plant and the drink made from it. The preparation of the drink from the plant by pounding and the drinking of it are central features of Zoroastrian ritual. Haoma is also personified as a divinity. It bestows essential vital qualitieshealth, fertility, husbands for maidens, even immortality. The source of the earthly haoma plant is a shining white tree that grows on a paradisiacal mountain. Sprigs of this white haoma were brought to earth by divine birds.

      Haoma is the Avestan form of the Sanskrit soma. The near identity of the two in ritual significance is considered by scholars to point to a salient feature of an Indo-Iranian religion antedating Zoroastrianism.

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  • Haoma — is the Avestan language name of a plant and its divinity, both of which play a role in Zoroastrian doctrine and in later Persian culture and mythology. The Middle Persian form of the name is hōm , which continues to be the name in Modern Persian… …   Wikipedia

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  • haoma — n. A leafless East Indian vine ({Sarcostemma acidum}); its sour milky juice was formerly used to make an intoxicating drink. Syn: soma, {Sarcostemma acidum}. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Haoma — (Hom), Name einer Pflanze oder eines daraus bereiteten Getränkes und zugleich eines Gottes im Zendavesta. In der altindischen Literatur kommt H. unter dem Namen Soma (s. d.) vor, und man nimmt daher an, daß diese Vorstellungen schon in die uralte …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Haoma — Haoma, s. Soma …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • haoma — haóma ž DEFINICIJA 1. bot. bezlisna loza (Sarcostemma acidum) iz I Indije 2. piće od te biljke, mliječni kiselkasti sok, upotrebljavalo se ritualno u iranskoj religiji (zoroastrijanizmu); napitak besmrtnosti ETIMOLOGIJA avest …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Haoma — noun Haoma plant personified as a deity, usually capitalized when referred to as such. Quickly spake Zarathustra: praise to the Haoma, the created by Mazda! Good is Haoma, the created by Mazda! Praise to the Haoma! See Also: haoma, Soma …   Wiktionary

  • haoma — noun Name of a plant and corresponding personified divinity that is sacred in Zoroastrian culture and in later Persian culture and mythology. The offering of haoma was a common practice among Achaemenids; the Haumavarga Scythians probably owe… …   Wiktionary

  • Haoma — Ha|o|ma 〈m. od. n.; od. s; unz.〉 kultisches Getränk der Parsen aus gegorenem Pflanzensaft; oV Hauma; Sy Soma2 [awest.] * * * Haọma   das, (s)/ s, altiranischer Name einer heil und zauberkräftigen Pflanze (Fliegenpilz?), aus der ein Rauschtrank… …   Universal-Lexikon

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