
gull-like, adj.
/gul/, n.
any of numerous long-winged, web-toed, aquatic birds of the family Laridae, having usually white plumage with a gray back and wings.
[1400-50; late ME gulle, perh. < Welsh gwylan, Cornish guilan (cf. F goéland < Breton gwelan)]
/gul/, v.t.
1. to deceive, trick, or cheat.
2. a person who is easily deceived or cheated; dupe.
[1540-50; perh. akin to obs. gull to swallow, guzzle]
Syn. 1. cozen, dupe, fool, bamboozle, hoodwink.

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Any of more than 40 species of heavily built, web-footed seabirds (family Laridae) that are most abundant as breeders in temperate to arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Adults are mainly gray or white, with variable head markings. The bill is strong and slightly hooked, sometimes displaying a spot of colour. Species differ in bill and leg colours and in wing patterns. Wingspans range from 24 to 63 in. (0.6 to 1.6 m). Gulls feed on insects, mollusks, and crustaceans on beaches; worms and grubs in plowed fields; and fish and garbage from ships and along shores. Some large gulls prey on the eggs and young of other birds, including their own kind. See also herring gull; kittiwake.

Herring gull (Larus argentatus)

John Markham

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 any of more than 40 species of heavily built web-footed seabirds of the gull and tern family Laridae (order Charadriiformes (charadriiform)). Several genera are usually recognized for certain specialized gulls, but many authorities place these in the broad genus Larus. Conspicuous and gregarious, gulls are most abundant as breeders in the Northern Hemisphere, which has about 30 species in temperate to arctic regions. They are mostly colonial ground nesters, and those that breed inland usually go to coasts in winter.

      Adult gulls are mainly gray or white, with variable head markings. In breeding season the head is either pure white, black, gray, or brown; it becomes streaked or smudgy in winter. The bill is strong and slightly hooked and in some species shows a spot of colour. Bill and leg colours help to distinguish species, as do wing patterns.

      Adaptable opportunists, gulls feed on insects (insect), mollusks (mollusk), and crustaceans (crustacean) on beaches; worms (worm) and grubs in plowed fields; fish along shores; and garbage from ships. Some of the larger gulls prey on the eggs (egg) and the young of other birds, including their own kind.

      The herring gull (L. argentatus) is by far the most familiar of the Atlantic gulls. A bird of the Northern Hemisphere, it has a gray mantle, flesh-coloured legs and feet, and black-and-white-spotted wing tips. It was rare at the turn of the century, a casualty of the millinery trade, which used bird feathers as decorations in women's hats. Legal protection and open garbage dumps helped it stage a spectacular comeback. Today some conservationists worry about these gulls' depredations on the nests of other shorebirds.

      Herring gulls are scavengers as well as expert thieves, boldly stealing food from other birds and sometimes snatching sandwiches out of beachgoers' hands. They also hunt moles (mole) and even rabbits (rabbit), hovering over their holes waiting for the quarry to appear. Often they eat mollusks, whose hard shells they crack by flying over a hard surface and dropping them in flight.

      The black-headed gull (L. ridibundus), a dark-headed bird with crimson legs, breeds in Eurasia and Iceland, winters south in India and the Philippines, and commonly feeds in fields, where its chief food is insects. Bonaparte's gull (L. philadelphia), of North America, has a black head and bill, a gray mantle, and pinkish to reddish legs. It builds a stick nest in trees and hunts for insects over ponds. In the winter, it may plunge into the sea for fish. The California gull (L. californicus) of North America breeds inland and winters on the Pacific coast. This species is credited with having saved the crops of early Mormon settlers in the Salt Lake City region from destruction by the Mormon cricket, a long-horned grasshopper; it is the state bird of Utah. Franklin's gull (L. pipixcan) breeds in large colonies on inland marshes of North America and winters on the Pacific coast of South America.

      The glaucous gull (L. hyperboreus) is mostly white with pinkish legs and a yellow bill with a red spot. It inhabits northern seas, but sometimes it winters as far south as Hawaii and the Mediterranean. The great black-backed gull (L. marinus), with a wingspread of 1.6 metres (63 inches), is the largest gull. It occurs on the coasts of the North Atlantic.

      The kelp gull (L. dominicanus) is a very wide-ranging black-backed species of the Southern Hemisphere, including Antarctica. The laughing gull (L. atricilla), a medium-sized bird with a black head, red bill, and red feet, often gives vent to a strident, laughing call. It breeds from Maine to northern South America and winters south in Brazil, often on fresh waters far inland. It is the only gull that breeds both in the Caribbean area and in the North Atlantic Ocean. With a wingspread of about 60 cm (24 inches), the smallest gull is the little gull (L. minutus), a black-headed species of Europe and occasionally North America.

      The Pacific gull (L. pacificus) breeds in the region of Tasmania and southern Australia. The ring-billed gull (L. delawarensis) is common on inland lakes in North America and often gathers in large flocks to feed on plowed fields. The sooty gull (L. hemprichi) of the western Indian Ocean has a dark brown hood and a grayish brown mantle. Ross's gull (Rhodostethia rosea) is an attractive pinkish white bird that breeds in northern Siberia and wanders widely over the Arctic Ocean. Abounding in the Arctic, Sabine's gull (Xema sabini) has a forked tail and a habit of running and picking up food like a plover. The swallow-tailed gull (Creagrus furcatus) of the Galapagos Islands is a striking bird, the only gull with a deeply forked tail. (See also kittiwake.)

Sy Montgomery

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Universalium. 2010.

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