guild socialism

guild socialism
guild socialist. —guild-socialistic, adj.
a form of socialism developed in England in the 20th century, emphasizing decentralization of industry and services with control to be vested in autonomous guilds of workers.

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Movement that called for workers' control of industry through a system of national guilds, organized internally on democratic lines, and state ownership of industry.

It began in England in 1906 with publication of Arthur J. Penty's The Restoration of the Gild System and was organized into the National Guilds League in 1915. It reached its apex with the left-wing shop stewards' movement during World War I and, after the war, with building guilds that built houses for the state. Both movements collapsed after the economic slump of 1921, and the league was dissolved in 1925.

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      a movement that called for workers' control of industry through a system of national guilds operating in an implied contractual relationship with the public. The Guild Socialist movement developed in England and had its main impact there in the first two decades of the 20th century.

      Guild Socialist doctrine first appeared in 1906, with the publication of The Restoration of the Gild System, by Arthur Joseph Penty, and an article by Alfred Richard Orage (Orage, Alfred Richard) on the same subject in the Contemporary Review. Later, Guild Socialist theory developed in The New Age, a publication edited by Orage. There, a full statement of the doctrine, Samuel George Hobson's National Guilds, was first published serially in 191213. Guild Socialism gained a wider following when a group of younger men began to advocate it in a new publication, the Daily Herald. In 1915 the movement assumed an organized form with the founding of the National Guilds League.

      The Guild Socialists stood for state ownership of industry, combined withworkers' controlthrough delegation of authority to national guilds organized internally on democratic lines. About the state itself they differed, some believing it would remain more or less in its existing form and others that it would be transformed into a federal body representing the workers' guilds, consumers' organizations, local government bodies, and other social structures (G.D.H. Cole, Guild Socialism, 1920; S.G. Hobson, National Guilds and the State, 1920).

      Guild Socialism was much stimulated during World War I by the rise of the left-wing shop stewards' movement, demandingworkers' controlin the war industries. After the war, the building workers, led by Hobson and Malcolm Sparkes, founded building guilds that built houses for the state; but after the economic slump of 1921 the state withdrew financial help and the movement collapsed. The shop stewards' movement also disintegrated when the war ended; and the Guild Socialist movement fell to pieces, leaving behind it an effect in the incorporation of some element ofworkers' controlinto the programs of trade unionism and the programs of the Socialist and Labour parties. The National Guilds League itself was dissolved in 1925.

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