ground squirrel

ground squirrel
any of several terrestrial rodents of the squirrel family, as of the genus Citellus and chipmunks of the genus Tamias.
[1680-90, Amer.]

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Any of numerous relatively short-legged, terrestrial rodents of the squirrel family (Sciuridae), found in North America, Mexico, Africa, Europe, and Asia.

The name is often applied to chipmunks. Ground squirrels belong to the genera Ammospermophilus, Xerus, Atlantoxerus, and Spermophilus. They live in burrows, sometimes in colonies. Though primarily herbivores, some feed on insects and other small animals and on carrion. Many species collect food, carrying it in their cheek pouches, and store it in their burrows. Those in cold areas may hibernate in winter; those in dry areas may become dormant in summer. Species range from about 7 to 20 in. (1752 cm) in length, including the tail.

California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) .

Kenneth W. Fink from Root Resources
EB Inc.

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  any of 62 species of long-bodied terrestrial rodents (rodent) that are active during the day and have short legs, strong claws, small rounded ears, and a short or moderately long tail. Colour varies widely among species from gray, tawny, or pale brown to olive, reddish, or very dark brown. A few species are solid-coloured, but most exhibit characteristic patterns such as dappling, lines of spots, white to brownish black stripes, bright reddish brown cheeks, or stripes combined with a yellowish red mantle over the head and shoulders. Underparts are white, shades of gray, tones of buff, or brown. In some species individuals may be partially or completely black (melanistic). Fur ranges in texture from harsh and thin to soft and dense and sometimes woolly.

Nontropical ground squirrels
      The name ground squirrel is typically applied to small rodents that excavate burrows and are associated with open habitats at temperate latitudes in North American and Eurasia as well as arid regions of Africa. The 38 species of North American ground squirrels and Eurasian sousliks (suslik) (genus Spermophilus) are found from sea level to mountaintops in open habitats and occasionally in forests. The Barbary ground squirrel (Atlantoxerus getulus) lives in rocky habitats from sea level to 4,000 metres (13,000 feet) in the Atlas Mountains of northwestern Africa, and the four species of African ground squirrels (genus Xerus) inhabit savannas and rocky deserts in northern, eastern, and southern Africa. Central Asia's sandy deserts are home to the single species of long-clawed ground squirrel (genus Spermophilopsis), whereas the deserts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are populated by five species of antelope ground squirrel (genus Ammospermophilus). The white-tailed antelope squirrel (A. leucurus) of the southwestern United States is one of the smallest of all ground squirrels, weighing 96 to 117 grams (3.4 to 4 ounces) and having a body up to 17 cm (6.7 inches) long and a tail of less than 8 cm. One of the largest is the rock squirrel (Spermophilus variegatus) of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Weighing 450 to 875 grams, it has a body up to 30 cm long and a somewhat shorter, bushy tail. Members of both these genera have internal cheek pouches, which are used to collect food for storage in burrows.

      Most nontropical ground squirrels are omnivorous. Franklin's ground squirrel (Spermophilus franklinii) of the north-central United States and southern Canada eats a representative omnivore diet: a wide variety of green plant parts, fruit, insects (caterpillars, grasshoppers, crickets, beetles and their larvae, and ants), vertebrates (toads, frogs, the eggs and chicks of ducks and songbirds, mice, smaller ground squirrels, and small rabbits), and carrion. Others, such as the Uinta (Uinta Mountains) ground squirrel (S. armatus) of the Rocky Mountains in the western United States, are primarily vegetarian, eating mostly green plant parts and seeds.

      Spermophilus species hibernate deeply during winter months. The body temperature of the 13-lined ground squirrel (S. tridecemlineatus) of central North America drops from 37 °C (98.6 °F) to 1 to 3 degrees above burrow temperature. During this time the heart rate decreases from 200 to 350 beats per minute in the active animal to about 5, and the respiration rate falls from 50 breaths per minute to about 4.

      In contrast, the antelope and African ground squirrels are active all year. These two groups regulate their body temperature by entering and re-emerging from cool burrows during hot parts of the day. Outside the burrow they sit or stand facing away from the sun, their long, wide, and bushy tail serving as a heat shield over the animal's back. Central Asia's long-clawed ground squirrel is also active year-round, remaining in its burrow only on extremely cold winter days.

Tropical ground squirrels
      Tropical ground squirrels are active all year and do not store food. The five genera (Dremomys, Lariscus, Menetes, Rhinosciurus, and Hyosciurus) live in the forests of Southeast Asia but not in the Philippines. Although they sometimes utilize holes in the ground, these rodents usually nest in hollow tree trunks and rotting branches on the forest floor. Diet varies among species but generally includes a greater percentage of arthropods (arthropod) than that of nontropical ground squirrels. The shrew-faced ground squirrel (R. laticaudatus) of the Sunda Islands, for example, is highly specialized to eat earthworms and insects with its greatly elongated snout, long tongue, and weak incisor teeth. The three-striped ground squirrel (L. insignis), also of the Sunda Islands, is reported to eat fruit, roots, and insects; plain long-nosed ground squirrels (genus Dremomys) eat fruit, insects, and earthworms. The two species of Sulawesi ground squirrel (genus Hyosciurus) have elongated snouts and use their long, strong claws to dig for beetle larvae in rotting wood; they also eat acorns.

      Ground squirrels belong to the subfamily Sciurinae, which includes tree squirrels (squirrel) and chipmunks (chipmunk). Subfamily Sciurinae is part of the squirrel family (Sciuridae) in the order Rodentia (rodent). Atlantoxerus, Xerus, and Spermophilopsis are closely related within this subfamily, as are Ammospermophilus and Spermophilus, which are classified in a subgroup within Sciurinae that includes marmots (marmot) and prairie dogs (prairie dog). The tropical ground squirrels are most closely related to tropical Asian tree squirrels.

Ground squirrels
 62 species in 10 genera, 5 found only in tropical Southeast Asia.
      Genus Spermophilus (North American ground squirrels and Eurasian sousliks)
 38 species.

      Genus Ammospermophilus (antelope ground squirrels)
 5 North American species.

      Genus Dremomys (plain long-nosed ground squirrels)
 5 Southeast Asian species.

      Genus Lariscus (striped ground squirrels)
 4 Southeast Asian species.

      Genus Xerus (African ground squirrels)
 4 North African species.

      Genus Hyosciurus (Sulawesi long-nosed ground squirrels)
 2 Southeast Asian species.

      Genus Menetes (Indochinese ground squirrel)
 1 Southeast Asian species.

      Genus Spermophilopsis (long-clawed ground squirrel)
 1 Central Asian species.

      Genus Rhinosciurus (shrew-faced ground squirrel)
 1 Southeast Asian species.

      Genus Atlantoxerus (Barbary ground squirrel)
 1 North African species.

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Universalium. 2010.

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