
gourdlike, adj.
/gawrd, gohrd, goord/, n.
1. the hard-shelled fruit of any of various plants, esp. those of Lagenaria siceraria (white-flowered gourd or bottle gourd), whose dried shell is used for bowls and other utensils, and Cucurbita pepo (yellow-flowered gourd), used ornamentally. Cf. gourd family.
2. a plant bearing such a fruit.
3. a dried and excavated gourd shell used as a bottle, dipper, flask, etc.
4. a gourd-shaped, small-necked bottle or flask.
5. out of or off one's gourd, Slang. out of one's mind; crazy.
[1275-1325; ME gourd(e), courde < AF (OF cöorde) < L cucurbita]

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Any of certain hard-shelled food and ornamental plants of the family Cucurbitaceae (order Violales), including squashes and pumpkins.

Most species are prostrate or climb by tendrils. They are annual herbaceous plants native to temperate and tropical areas. Gourds are generally low in nutrients; one exception is winter squash (certain cultivars of Cucurbita maxima, C. moschata, C. pepo, etc.). The shells of many gourds have made them useful as containers and utensils. Colourful and oddly shaped gourds are picked for ornamental use.

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      any of the hard-shelled ornamental fruits of certain members of the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae.

      In the past, the term gourd was applied only to the fruits of the species Cucurbita pepo ovifera, the yellow-flowered gourd, and to the species Lagenaria siceraria (bottle gourd), the bottle, or white-flowered, gourd; both are trailing annual herbs. Many varieties of these species are cultivated as ornamentals and for the utensils, bottles, and pipes that can be made from the fruits of L. siceraria. There are other gourds, such as the Chinese watermelon, or wax gourd (Benincasa hispida), teasel gourd (Cucumis dipsaceus), snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina), and dishcloth gourd and sponge gourd (species of the genus Luffa).

      The yellow-flowered gourd is native to northern Mexico and eastern North America and has long been cultivated. Yellow-flowered gourds are chiefly used as ornamentals. Many of the smaller fruits are naturally banded, striped, or mottled in various shades of yellow and green, while the solid-white ones may be painted to suit the decorator's taste. Others are warted, and some are valued for their bizarre shapes. Nest egg, pear-shaped, spoon, and ladle gourd are common names for some forms of this species. The large, triangular-shaped leaves of gourds are often deeply lobed. Both stems and leaves are covered with short bristles. The flowers are large and showy. Both male and female flowers are borne on the same plant, but the male flowers appear about a week before the female flowers and are located toward the ends of the runners.

      The bottle gourd often has extremely large fruits. Some may attain a length of 1 metre (3 feet) or more, and fruits with diameters of 0.5 metre (1.5 feet) are not uncommon. Traditionally, such gourds served many purposes, being used for cutlery, utensils, scoops, ladles, containers of all sorts, fishnet floats, whistles, and rattles.

      Gourd seeds should be planted in a warm, sunny location. In cooler climates, this should be as soon in the spring as danger from frost has passed, for they require a long growing season to mature fruit and are killed by the first frost of autumn. Well-drained, fertile soil and a trellis, fence, or wall to provide support for the vines aid in the development of well-shaped, unblemished fruits.

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