
/gohld"fish'/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) goldfish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) goldfishes.
1. a small, usually yellow or orange fish, Carassius auratus, of the carp family, native to China, bred in many varieties and often kept in fishbowls and pools.
2. garibaldi (def. 2).
[1690-1700; GOLD + FISH]

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Ornamental aquarium and pond fish (Carassius auratus) of the carp family, native to East Asia but introduced into many other areas.

The goldfish was domesticated by the Chinese at least as early as the Song dynasty (9601279). It is naturally greenish brown or gray, but its colour varies. Selective breeding has produced more than 125 breeds, including the veiltail, with a three-lobed, flowing tail, and the common, pet-shop comet. They feed on plants and small animals and, in captivity, on small crustaceans and other foods. They have become naturalized in many parts of the eastern U.S.

Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

W.S. Pitt
Eric Hosking

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      (Carassius auratus), ornamental aquarium and pond fish of the carp family (Cyprinidae) native to East Asia but introduced into many other areas. The goldfish resembles the carp (Cyprinus carpio) but differs from its relative in having no mouth barbels. It was domesticated by the Chinese at least as early as the Sung dynasty (9601279).

      The goldfish is naturally greenish-brown or gray. The species, however, is variable, and numerous abnormalities occur. A deviant fish may be black, spotted, golden, white, or white with silver; it may have a trilobed tail fin or protruding eyes; or it may lack the normally long dorsal fin. Centuries of selecting out and breeding such abnormal specimens have produced over 125 breeds of goldfish, including the common, pet-shop comet; the veiltail, with a three-lobed, flowing tail; the lionhead, with a swollenhoodon the head; and the celestial, with protruding, upward-directed eyes.

      The goldfish is omnivorous, feeding on plants and small animals. In captivity it does well on small crustaceans, and the diet may be supplemented with chopped mosquito larvae, cereal, and other foods.

      Spawning occurs in spring or summer. As the season approaches, colours become brighter, the belly of the female enlarges, and the male may develop pinhead-sized tubercles on the gill covers, back, and pectoral fins. The eggs stick to water plants until hatching about a week later. Pet goldfish have been known to live 25 years; the average life span, however, is much shorter.

      Escaping from park and garden pools, the goldfish has become naturalized in many areas of the eastern United States. Upon resuming wild life, it reverts to its original colour and may grow from an aquarium size of about 510 centimetres (24 inches) to a length of up to 30 centimetres.

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Universalium. 2010.

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