
/gohl"deuhn uy'/, n., pl. goldeneyes, (esp. collectively) goldeneye.
1. either of two diving ducks, Bucephala clangula, of Eurasia and North America, or B. islandica (Barrow's goldeneye), of North America, having bright yellow eyes.
2. Also called golden-eyed fly /gohl"deuhn uyd'/. a lacewing of the family Chrysopidae.
[1670-80; GOLDEN + EYE]

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Either of two species of small, yellow-eyed diving ducks that produce a whistling sound with their rapidly beating wings.

The common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) breeds throughout the Northern Hemisphere; Barrow's goldeneye (B. islandica) breeds primarily in northwestern North America and Iceland. Both winter mainly in northern coastal waters. Both are about 18 in. (46 cm) long and have a black back marked with white, white sides and breast, and conspicuous white patches in front of the eyes. The head of the common is dark green; that of the Barrow's is purplish black. Both nest in tree cavities and prefer a diet of aquatic invertebrates. They are prized as game birds.

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also called  Whistler,  

      either of two species of small, yellow-eyed diving ducks (family Anatidae), which produce a characteristic whistling sound with their rapidly beating wings. The common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) breeds throughout the Northern Hemisphere; the major breeding areas of Barrow's goldeneye (B. islandica) are in northwestern North America and Iceland. Both winter mainly in northern coastal waters. Although prized as game birds because of their wariness, they are not highly desired for the table. Both species are about 46 cm (18 inches) long and have black backs marked with white and white sides and breasts. The black wing markings of the two species differ considerably. The head of the common goldeneye is dark green, that of Barrow's goldeneye purplish black. Both have conspicuous white patches in front of the eyes. They nest in tree cavities and prefer a diet of aquatic invertebrates.

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Universalium. 2010.

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