
/gig/, n., v., gigged, gigging.
1. a light, two-wheeled one-horse carriage.
2. Naut.
a. a light boat rowed with four, six, or eight long oars.
b. a boat reserved for the use of the captain of a ship.
3. something that whirls.
4. Also called gig mill. a roller containing teasels, used for raising nap on a fabric.
5. Obs. whirligig (def. 5).
6. to ride in a gig.
7. to raise the nap on (a fabric).
[1200-50; ME gigge, gig flighty girl; akin to Dan gig top; cf. Norw giga to shake about]
/gig/, n., v., gigged, gigging.
1. a device, commonly four hooks secured back to back, for dragging through a school of fish to hook them through the body.
2. a spearlike device with a long, thick handle, used for spearing fish and frogs.
3. to catch or spear (a fish or frog) with a gig.
4. to catch fish or frogs with a gig.
[1715-25; shortened from FISHGIG or FIZGIG]
/gig/, n., v., gigged, gigging.
1. an official report of a minor infraction of regulations, as in school or the army; a demerit.
2. a punishment for a minor infraction of rules.
3. to give a gig to or punish with a gig.
[1940-45; orig. uncert.]
/gig/, n., v., gigged, gigging. Slang.
1. a single professional engagement, usually of short duration, as of jazz or rock musicians.
2. any job, esp. one of short or uncertain duration: a teaching gig out west somewhere.
3. to work as a musician, esp. in a single engagement: He gigged with some of the biggest names in the business.
[1925-30; orig. uncert.]

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      any of several members of a class of light, open, two-wheeled, one-horse carriages, popular in France, England, and America. The gig, which first appeared in Paris in the 17th century, is the ancestor of the cabriolet. Popular variations were the Tilbury gig and the Stanhope gig, both designed by Fitzroy Stanhope. The Stanhope gig was an elegant carriage with low wheels that therefore required shafts with an upward reverse curve where attached to the horse's harness. The Tilbury resembled the Stanhope except in its manner of suspension.

      At one stage in its career, this gig was fairly unstable; if the horse fell to his knees, the cross springs under the body would jerk and spill the riders. The gig was popular in 19th-century England and America and is still used today in horse shows.

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  • Gig — * Gig (musical performance), live performance by a musician or other performer ** Temporary work, by extension * Gig, a trident or three pronged spear * Gigging, the practice of hunting flounder or frogs with a gig * Captain s gig, a boat used on …   Wikipedia

  • gig — GIG, giguri, s.n. Val mare de pânză. – magh. vég. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DLRM  GIG, giguri, s.n. Ambarcaţie sportivă cu scaune rulante, folosită la învăţarea canotajului. – Din engl. gig. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 … …   Dicționar Român

  • gig — gig1 [gig] n. [ME gigge, whirligig, prob. < Scand, as in Dan gig, whirling object, top, Norw dial. giga, to shake, totter < IE * gheigh < base * ghei , to gape > GAPE, GIGGLE] 1. a light, two wheeled, open carriage drawn by one horse… …   English World dictionary

  • Gig — Gig, n. [Cf. Icel. g[imac]gja fiddle, MHG. g[imac]ge, G. geige, Icel. geiga to take a wrong direction, rove at random, and E. jig.] 1. A top or whirligig; any little thing that is whirled round in play. [1913 Webster] Thou disputest like an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • GIG — ist die Abkürzung für: Flughafen Rio de Janeiro Antônio Carlos Jobim in Brasilien als IATA Code Global Information Grid Gesellschaft für internationale Geldgeschichte, eine gemeinnützige Forschungsgesellschaft, gegründet 1965 Gesellschaft für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • GiG — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Gig, un concert pirate de la chanteuse Bjork ; Gig, abréviation qui signifie familièrement un gigaoctets, soit 1 milliard d octets le plus souvent.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • GIG — ⇒GIG, subst. masc. A. Vx. Cabriolet bourgeois à deux roues; voiture de chasse. (Ds LITTRÉ et Lar. 19e 20e). B. Rare. Barque légère à fond plat et aux extrémités en pointe, avançant au moyen d avirons et d une voile, utilisée en Angleterre par les …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • gig — ⇒GIG, subst. masc. A. Vx. Cabriolet bourgeois à deux roues; voiture de chasse. (Ds LITTRÉ et Lar. 19e 20e). B. Rare. Barque légère à fond plat et aux extrémités en pointe, avançant au moyen d avirons et d une voile, utilisée en Angleterre par les …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • gig — [gɪg] noun [countable] informal 1. JOBS a job, especially one that does not last for a long time: • Working for a TV show is a pretty good gig. 2. COMPUTING a gigabyte: • a 2 gig memory …   Financial and business terms

  • Gig — Sf Ruderboot des Kapitäns per. Wortschatz fach. (19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. gig leichtes Boot , das auch leichter Wagen bedeuten kann. Weitere Herkunft unklar.    Ebenso nndl. gig, ne. gig, nfrz. gig, giek, nschw. gigg, nnorw. gigg. ✎… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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