
/fyuurddt/, n.
a city in S Germany, near Nuremberg. 100,700.

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      city, Bavaria Land (state), south-central Germany. It is situated at the junction of the Pegnitz and Rednitz rivers (which there form the Regnitz), just northwest of Nürnberg. It was originally a Franconian (Franken) settlement dating from the mid-8th century. The royal palace of Furti (theFurt”) was first mentioned in 1007, when the village was assigned to the newly formed bishopric of Bamberg. In the following centuries both the margraves of Ansbach and the imperial city of Nürnberg claimed seignorial rights over Fürth. Largely destroyed in the Thirty Years' War (161848), the town passed to Bavaria in 1806 and was chartered in 1808.

      The Fürth-Nürnberg line (the Ludwigsbahn; 1835) was the first railway in Germany, and Fürth now has a port on the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal. Formerly a centre of the goldbeaters' craft, it still produces gold leaf and beaten metals and aluminum and bronze powders. Other goods include electrical products and toys. Notable buildings in the city are the town hall (184050) and the 12th14th-century St. Michael's Church. Pop. (2003 est.) 111,892.

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