
/fooh'kooh oh"keuh/; Japn. /fooh"koo aw"kah/, n.
a city on N Kyushu, in SW Japan. 1,088,617.

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City (pop., 2000 prelim.: 1,341,489) and port, Japan.

It incorporates the former city of Hakata and is located on the southern coast of Hakata Bay. An ancient port, it was the scene of attempted invasions by Kublai Khan in the 13th century. It is now a regional commercial, industrial, administrative, and cultural centre. It contains an active fishing port and is the site of Kyushu University (1911). Hakata ningyo, elaborately costumed ceramic figurines found in most Japanese homes, are made there.

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      city and port, capital of Fukuoka ken (prefecture), Japan. It incorporates the former city of Hakata and is located on the southern coast of Hakata Bay. There, a kamikaze (“divine wind”) scattered and sank a fleet of invading Mongols in 1281. An ancient port, it is now a regional commercial, industrial, administrative, and cultural centre. The city contains an active fishing (halibut and flounder) port. It also contains Kyushu University (1911). Hakata ningyo (“dolls”), elaborately costumed ceramic figurines found in most Japanese homes, are made there. Pop. (2005) 1,401,279.

      ken (prefecture), northern Kyushu, Japan. Fukuoka faces the Inland Sea on the northwest, Shimonoseki Strait (on the north), the Tsushima Strait, or Eastern Channel (west), and the Ariake Sea (south). It occupies an area of 1,916 square miles (4,963 square km). Rivers draining seaward have built up extensive plains. The western coast of Fukuoka is heavily indented.

 Agriculture is carried out in the south, but Fukuoka is important mainly for its coal mines and industry, which are concentrated in the north. In 1963 the five cities of Moji, Kokura, Tobata, Yahata, and Wakamatsu were amalgamated to form Kita-Kyūshū, the largest city and industrial complex in Kyushu. Two tunnels run under the Shimonoseki Strait, connecting the city with Honshu. The city is spanned by the Wakato Grand Bridge. Pop. (1990) 4,811,179.

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