
/fos"euh/, n., pl. fossae /fos"ee/. Anat.
a pit, cavity, or depression, as in a bone.
[1820-30; < L: ditch, trench, fosse, short for fossa (terra) dug or dug out (earth), n. use of fem. of fossus, ptp. of fodere to dig]
/fos"euh/, n.
a forest-dwelling genetlike mammal, Cryptoprocta ferox, of the civet family, native to Madagascar, with a short coat of white, black, gray, or brown: now rare. Also called fossa cat.
[1830-40; < Malagasy; cf. earlier fossane ( < F < Malagasy)]

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Cryptoprocta ferox
also spelled  foussa 

      largest carnivore native to Madagascar, a catlike forest dweller of the civet family, Viverridae. The fossa grows to a length of about 1.5 metres (5 feet), including a tail about 66 centimetres (26 inches) long, and has short legs and sharp, retractile claws. The fur is close, dense, and grayish to reddish brown. Generally most active at night, the fossa is both terrestrial and arboreal. It usually hunts alone and commonly feeds on birds and lemurs but also preys on livestock. Many legends centre on the fossa; some, such as reports of its savagery, are probably much exaggerated.

      Because of certain structural features, the fossa was formerly classified in the cat family (Felidae). Its common name sometimes leads to its confusion with the Malagasy civet, or fanaloka, Fossa fossa.

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