
/ferr/, n.
1. any coniferous tree belonging to the genus Abies, of the pine family, characterized by its pyramidal style of growth, flat needles, and erect cones.
2. the wood of such a tree.
[1250-1300; ME firre, OE fyrh; c. OS furie; akin to OE furh- (in fuhrwudu pine), ON fura fir, L quercus oak ( < *perkwu-)]

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Properly, any of about 40 species of trees that make up the genus Abies, in the pine family.

Many other evergreen conifers (e.g., Douglas fir, hemlock fir) are also commonly called firs. True firs are native to North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. They are distinguished from other genera in the pine family by their needlelike leaves, which grow directly from the branch and have bases, shaped like suction cups, that leave conspicuous circular scars when the leaves fall. North America boasts 10 native species of fir, found chiefly from the Rocky Mountains westward. The wood of most western North American firs is inferior to that of pine or spruce but is used for lumber and pulpwood. Of the two fir species that occur in the eastern U.S. and Canada, the better known is the balsam fir (A. balsamea), a popular ornamental and Christmas tree.

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      properly, any of about 40 species of trees constituting the genus Abies of the family Pinaceae, although many other coniferous evergreen trees are commonly called firse.g., the Douglas fir (q.v.), the hemlock fir (see hemlock), and the joint fir (see Ephedra). True firs are native to North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and northern Africa.

      The firs are distinguished from other genera in the pine family by their leaves. The needlelike leaves of a true fir grow directly from the branch, and the needles' bases, which are shaped like suction cups, leave conspicuous circular scars when the leaves fall. Each cone is in an upright position, and its spikelike axis remains on the branch after the mature cone falls apart. Each thin, rounded cone scale bears two broadly winged seeds.

      In North America there are 10 native species of fir, found chiefly from the Rocky Mountains westward and attaining their fullest development in the Sierra Nevada and Cascade ranges. Several of these fir species attain immense size: the white fir (A. concolor), the noble fir (A. nobilis), the California red fir (A. magnifica), and the Pacific silver fir (A. amabilis) all can attain a height of 60 m (200 feet). With the exception of the noble fir, the wood of most western American firs is inferior to that of pine or spruce but is used for lumber and pulpwood.

      Of the two fir species that occur in the eastern United States and Canada, the best known is the balsam fir (Abies balsamea), which is a popular ornamental and Christmas tree. It may be 12 to 18 m (about 40 to 60 feet) tall at maturity, with cones 5 to 10 cm (about 2 to 4 inches) long. Canada balsam, an oleoresin collected from pitch blisters on the balsam fir's bark, is used to mount specimens on glass slides for microscopic examination.

      The silver fir (A. alba) is an ornamental and timber species that is native to Europe and Asia. It is a lofty tree, sometimes reaching 45 m (150 feet) in height, with large, spreading, horizontal boughs curving upward toward their extremities. The silver fir is abundant in most of the mountain ranges of southern and central Europe, but it is not found in the northern parts of that continent. Extensive forests of the silver fir are found on the southern Alps, and the tree is plentiful in the Rhineland and on the Apennine and Pyrenees ranges. In Asia it occurs on the Caucasus and Ural mountains and in some parts of the Altai chain. The silver fir has soft wood that is easily worked and is hence much used in carpentry. The tree yields a high-quality turpentine from blisters on its bark. Burgundy pitch and other resin products are also obtained from the silver fir.

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Universalium. 2010.

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