
/fingk/, Slang.
1. a strikebreaker.
2. a labor spy.
3. an informer; stool pigeon.
4. a contemptible or thoroughly unattractive person.
5. to inform to the police; squeal.
6. to act as a strikebreaker; scab.
7. fink out,
a. to withdraw from or refuse to support a project, activity, scheme, etc.; renege: He said he'd lend me his motorcycle, but he finked out.
b. to become untrustworthy.
[1900-05, Amer.; compared with G Fink lit., FINCH, colloquial epithet for an undesirable person, esp. an untidy or loose-living one (often in compounds, as Duckfink sycophant, Schmierfink untidy writer); but the transmission of this word to E and the range of meanings of the E word have not been clarified fully]

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  • Fink — [fɪŋk], der; en, en: kleiner Singvogel mit buntem Gefieder und kegelförmigem Schnabel: im Garten haben sich Finken ein Nest gebaut. Zus.: Bergfink, Buchfink, Distelfink, Schneefink. * * * Fịnk 〈m. 16; Zool.〉 Angehöriger einer Unterfamilie der… …   Universal-Lexikon

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