- fine
adj.1. of superior or best quality; of high or highest grade: fine wine.2. choice, excellent, or admirable: a fine painting.3. consisting of minute particles: fine sand; a fine purée.4. very thin or slender: fine thread.5. keen or sharp, as a tool: Is the knife fine enough to carve well?6. delicate in texture; filmy: fine cotton fabric.7. delicately fashioned: fine tracery.8. highly skilled or accomplished: a fine musician.9. trained to the maximum degree, as an athlete.10. characterized by or affecting refinement or elegance: a fine lady.11. polished or refined: fine manners.12. affectedly ornate or elegant: A style so fine repels the average reader.13. delicate or subtle: a fine distinction.14. bright and clear: a fine day; fine skin.15. healthy; well: In spite of his recent illness, he looks fine.16. showy or smart; elegant in appearance: a bird of fine plumage.17. good-looking or handsome: a fine young man.18. (of a precious metal or its alloy) free from impurities or containing a large amount of pure metal: fine gold; Sterling silver is 92.5 percent fine.adv.19. Informal. in an excellent manner; very well: He did fine on the exams. She sings fine.20. very small: She writes so fine I can hardly read it.21. Billiards, Pool. in such a way that the driven ball barely touches the object ball in passing.22. Naut. as close as possible to the wind: sailing fine.23. cut fine, to calculate precisely, esp. without allowing for possible error or accident: To finish in ten minutes is to cut it too fine.v.i.24. to become fine or finer, as by refining.25. to become less, as in size or proportions; reduce; diminish (often fol. by down): The plumpness fines down with exercise.v.t.26. to make fine or finer, esp. by refining or pulverizing.27. to reduce the size or proportions of (often used with down or away): to fine down the heavy features; to fine away superfluous matter in a design.28. to clarify (wines or spirits) by filtration.n.29. fines,b. Agric. the fine bits of corn kernel knocked off during handling of the grain.Syn. 1. finished, consummate, perfect; select. FINE, CHOICE, ELEGANT, EXQUISITE are terms of praise with reference to quality. FINE is a general term: a fine horse, person, book. CHOICE implies a discriminating selection of the object in question: a choice piece of steak. ELEGANT suggests a refined and graceful superiority that is generally associated with luxury and a cultivated taste: elegant furnishings. EXQUISITE suggests an admirable delicacy, finish, or perfection: an exquisite piece of lace. 3. powdered, pulverized. 5. acute.fine2n.1. a sum of money imposed as a penalty for an offense or dereliction: a parking fine.2. Law. a fee paid by a feudal tenant to the landlord, as on the renewal of tenure.3. Eng. Law. (formerly) a conveyance of land through decree of a court, based upon a simulated lawsuit.4. Archaic. a penalty of any kind.a. in short; briefly.v.t.6. to subject to a fine or pecuniary penalty; punish by a fine: The judge fined him and released him on parole.[1150-1200; ME fin < AF, OF < L finis end, ML: settlement, payment]fine3/fee"nay/, n. Music.2. the end of a composition that comprises several movements.[1790-1800; < It < L finis end]fine4/feen/, n.ordinary French brandy, usually with no indication of the maker's name or location.
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Universalium. 2010.