
/fer'oh al"oy, -euh loy"/, n.
an alloy of iron with some element other than carbon, used to introduce the element in the manufacture of steel.
[1900-05; FERRO- + ALLOY]

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Alloy of iron (less than 50%) and one or more other metals, important as a source of various metallic elements in the production of alloy steels.

The principal ferroalloys are ferromanganese, ferrochromium, ferromolybdenum, ferrotitanium, ferrovanadium, ferrosilicon, ferroboron, and ferrophosphorus. They usually have lower melting ranges than do the pure elements and can be incorporated more readily in the molten steel. Ferroalloys are prepared from charges of the nonferrous metal ore, iron or iron ore, coke or coal, and flux by treatment at high temperature in submerged-arc electric furnaces.

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      an alloy of iron (less than 50 percent) and one or more other metals, important as a source of various metallic elements in the production of alloy steels. The principal ferroalloys are ferromanganese, ferrochromium, ferromolybdenum, ferrotitanium, ferrovanadium, ferrosilicon, ferroboron, and ferrophosphorus. These are brittle and unsuitable for direct use in fabricating products, but they are a useful source of these elements for the alloy steels. Ferroalloys usually have lower melting ranges than do the pure elements and can be incorporated more readily in the molten steel. They are added to liquid steel to achieve a specified chemical composition and provide properties needed to make particular products. They are in fact used in all steelse.g., plain carbon, stainless, alloy, electrical, tool, and so on.

      Ferroalloys are prepared from charges of the nonferrous metal ore, iron or iron ore, coke or coal, and flux by treatment at high temperature in submerged-arc electric furnaces. An aluminothermic reduction process is used for making ferrovanadium, ferrotitanium, and ferroniobium (ferrocolumbium).

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