
/fluks/, n.
1. a flowing or flow.
2. the flowing in of the tide.
3. continuous change, passage, or movement: His political views are in a state of flux.
4. Physics.
a. the rate of flow of fluid, particles, or energy.
b. a quantity expressing the strength of a field of force in a given area.
5. Chem., Metall.
a. a substance used to refine metals by combining with impurities to form a molten mixture that can be readily removed.
b. a substance used to remove oxides from and prevent further oxidation of fused metal, as in soldering or hot-dip coating.
c. (in the refining of scrap or other metal) a salt or mixture of salts that combines with nonmetallic impurities, causing them to float or coagulate.
6. fusion.
7. to melt; make fluid.
8. to fuse by the use of flux.
9. Obs. to purge.
10. to flow.
[1350-1400; ME < L fluxus a flowing, equiv. to fluc-, var. s. of fluere to flow + -tus suffix of v. action, with ct > x]
Syn. 1. course, current, flood, stream.

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In metallurgy, any substance introduced in the smelting of ores to promote fluidity and to remove objectionable impurities in the form of slag.

Limestone is commonly used for this purpose in smelting iron ores. Other materials used as fluxes are silica, dolomite, lime, borax, and fluorite. In soldering, the flux removes oxide films, promotes wetting, and prevents reoxidation of the surfaces during heating. Rosin is widely used as a noncorrosive flux when electronic equipment is soldered; in other applications, a water solution of zinc chloride and ammonium chloride may be used.

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      in metallurgy, any substance introduced in the smelting of ores to promote fluidity and to remove objectionable impurities in the form of slag. Limestone is commonly used for this purpose in smelting iron ores. Other materials used as fluxes are silica, dolomite, lime, borax, and fluorite. In soldering, a flux is used to remove oxide films, promote wetting, and prevent reoxidation of the surfaces during heating. Rosin is widely used as a noncorrosive flux in soldering electronic equipment; for other purposes, a water solution of zinc chloride and ammonium chloride may be used. See also slag.

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