Ferdinand VI

Ferdinand VI
1713-59, king of Spain 1746-59 (son of Philip V).

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born Sept. 23, 1713, Madrid, Spain
died Aug. 10, 1759, Villaviciosa de Odón

King of Spain (174659).

He was the second son of Philip V and his first wife, Marie-Louise. The influence of his father's second wife, Isabella Farnese, kept Ferdinand out of politics during his father's reign. During his own reign he tried to avoid conflicts while relying on his father's minister to bring about reforms. Ferdinand, the second Bourbon Spanish king, and his wife, Maria Bárbara, were patrons of the arts and learning. On his death, the crown passed to his half brother, Charles III.

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king of Spain
born September 23, 1713, Madrid, Spain
died August 10, 1759, Villaviciosa de Odón

      third king of Spain of the house of Bourbon (Bourbon, House of), reigning from 1746 to 1759. He pursued a policy of neutrality and gradual reform.

      The second son of Philip V and his first wife, Marie-Louise, Ferdinand was given no part in political life during the reign of his father, who was much under the influence of his second wife, Isabella (Elizabeth) Farnese (Isabella Farnese). When Ferdinand succeeded to the throne in July 1746, he decided to avoid entanglements and was able to elude conflicts throughout his reign. He relied on his father's minister, the able marqués de la Ensenada (Ensenada, Zenón de Somodevilla y Bengoechea, marqués de la), who brought about administrative and financial reforms.

      Ferdinand was a patron of the arts and learning, founding the Academy of San Fernando for the fine arts in 1752, as well as botanical gardens and an observatory. The economic Societies of Friends of the Country encouraged agricultural and technical advances. His queen, Maria Bárbara of Bragança, to whom he was devoted, shared his love of music and patronized the opera.

      In 1753 Ferdinand concluded a concordat with the papacy by which he recovered rights forfeited under the last of the Habsburgs (Habsburg, House of), Charles IInotably the right to appoint bishops and tax the clergy. After the death of Maria Bárbara in 1758, Ferdinand suffered from melancholia and did not long survive her. They had no children, and the crown passed to his half brother, hitherto king of Naples, Charles III.

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