- fauna
/faw"neuh/, n., pl. faunas, faunae /-nee/.
1. the animals of a given region or period considered as a whole.
2. a treatise on the animals of a given region or period.
1765-75; < NL, special use of L Fauna, a feminine counterpart to FAUNUS; cf. FLORA]
* * *
All the species of animals found in a particular region, period, or special environment.
Five faunal realms,
based on terrestrial animal species,
are generally recognized: Holarctic,
including Nearactic (
North America)
and Paleartic (
Eurasia and northern Africa);
Paleotropical (
tropical Africa and Southeast Asia);
Neotropical (
Central and South America);
and Antarctic.
* * *
▪ Roman goddess
in ancient Roman religion,
a goddess of the fertility of woodlands,
and flocks;
she was the counterpart—
variously considered the wife,
or daughter—
of Faunus (
* * *
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Fauna — Fauna … Deutsch Wörterbuch
Fauna — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para el grupo de rock venezolano, véase Fauna (banda). La fauna es el conjunto de especies animales que habitan en una región geográfica, que son propias de un período geológico o que se pueden encontrar en un… … Wikipedia Español
faună — FÁUNĂ, faune, s.f. Totalitatea speciilor de animale de pe glob, dintr o regiune, dintr o epocă geologică etc. [pr.: fa u ] – Din fr. faune. Trimis de LauraGellner, 06.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 fáună s. f. (sil. fa u ), g. d. art. fáunei; pl. fáune … Dicționar Român
fauna — fàuna ž DEFINICIJA 1. (Fauna) mit. rimska božica, sestra ili žena Fauna, nadimak joj je Bona Dea: Dobra Božica 2. zool. ukupnost životinjskog svijeta jednoga lokaliteta, kraja itd. ili razdoblja u povijesti života na Zemlji [morska fauna]… … Hrvatski jezični portal
fauna — sustantivo femenino 1. Conjunto de todas las especies animales de un país, región o periodo: fauna mediterránea, fauna terciaria. Han hecho un documental sobre la fauna ibérica. 2. Uso/registro: coloquial. Pragmática: peyorativo. Grupo de… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Fauna — Fau na, n. [NL.: cf. F. faune. See {Faun}.] (Zo[ o]l.) The animals of any given area or epoch; as, the fauna of America; fossil fauna; recent fauna. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fauna — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż Ia, CMc. faunanie, blm {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} ogół zwierząt żyjących na określonym obszarze lub w pewnej epoce : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Fauna Polski, Azji. Fauna lądowa, morska, stepowa. Fauna czwartorzędu, epoki polodowcowej … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
Fàuna — ž 1. {{001f}}mit. rimska božica, sestra ili žena Fauna, nadimak joj je Bona Dea: Dobra Božica 2. {{001f}}(fauna) zool. ukupnost životinjskog svijeta jednoga lokaliteta, kraja itd. ili razdoblja u povijesti života na Zemlji [morska ∼] ✧… … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
fauna — / fauna/ s.f. [dal nome della dea Fauna, antichissima divinità italica]. (biol.) [complesso delle specie di animali che abitano ambienti e territori determinati: f. marina, lacustre, terrestre ] ▶◀ Ⓖ animali … Enciclopedia Italiana
fauna — 1771, collective name for animals of a certain region or time, from L.L. Fauna, a Roman fertility goddess, wife, sister, or daughter (or some combination thereof) of Faunus (see FAUN (Cf. faun)). Popularized by Linnaeus, who adopted it as a… … Etymology dictionary
fauna — s. f. Conjunto dos animais próprios de uma região (a fauna brasileira) ou de uma época geológica (a fauna antediluviana) … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa